Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Our Destroyed Trampoline

This is a picture of the trampoline that my sister and I got like five years ago. I will start the story now. Five years ago or about five years ago, my big sister and I (we were the only ones born) wanted a trampoline. My dad took us to Sam's Club (that is a store, not a club owned by someone named Sam) and we used our money that we got yearly to buy a trampoline. We constructed it, and soon we had it built. Take away 5 years from this (no nets falling down or leaves all over it.) and you've got what we had. A few years later, all the kids were born and it looked like this. We've tried to fix the net two thousand times but it hasn't worked. Same thing happened with the leaves. Like I said before, "this is basically what happens to cool toys that come to this house.

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