Friday, October 26, 2007

The bird sculpture in our house

This is another sculpture in our house. Unfortunately we didn't get this one from Africa. In fact, I don't even remember where we got this. Maybe It was already at our house when we bought it and maybe we had it since I was born. Who knows. I think it's cool because of how whoever made the sculpture balanced the birds. But the birds are all dusty and there's a cobweb at the top of the sculpture. I just realized that all the birds were made exactly the same shape so I don't know if it was made by a machine or not. The only history of it that I know of it is that it's been sitting in our house for as long as I remember.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Monkey sculptures

These are some smaller sculptures that we got from Africa. I call them monkey sculptures. We got them from a place called Gory island. It used to be where people kept slaves but now it's a tourist area. There were a whole bunch of people selling things. (My dad got his first Thinking man there.) I think there was this guy that sold these to us. (I forgot a lot of things.) The guy told us that the one on the left represents "don't see evil" The one in the middle means "don't hear evil" and finally the one on the right means "don't talk evil" Now we just keep them on the ledge above our fireplace where we keep our D.V.D.s. That's all I remember about the monkey dudes.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The thinking men

These are some of the sculptures my dad got from Africa. He calls them "the thinking men" because they look like they're thinking. Most of the sculptures that he got look like these. According to what I've seen we have at least 10. My dad is obsessed with these and he gets them every time he goes to Africa. (Which was only twice.) When I wrote my paragraph on "The toy area", some of these were on the table in the back in the picture. I think the sculptures are strange because they have no features and I cant even tell what that dude on the left is holding. I think they look like they're waiting tho go to the bathroom or something rather than thinking.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Our game shelf

This is our game shelf. It's in the toy area at the fifth shelf. We put our puzzles here too.. which I hate. A lot of these games we just got. They are sorry, Star Wars monopoly, don't break the ice and cootie. The only games that I'm interested in in this selection are scrabble, mouse trap, (If it wasn't missing all the important pieces.) Star Wars monopoly sorry and Life. As you can see I don't like many of the old games and I don't like puzzles which I already told you. Everyone In my family but me likes puzzles and my dad and my big sister are masters at it. I don't like don't break the ice and cootie because they are kid games. Disney monopoly is dumb because all Disney is is princesses and evil bad guys trying to take them and stupid stuff like that. Regular monopoly is boring because I don't see the point of that. And finally, Kim possible is just a stupid cartoon that doesn't deserve a game. So now you understand why I only like certain games and the other ones should just go out of business. I get really bored because no one is ever free to play these with me so I guess I'll just stick with Lego.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Lego guns

For the past few days I've been trying to build a Lego gun. All of my attempts were unsuccessful. Including this one. I've been looking on for ideas to build one but the ones that they put on there usually only shoot a few feet. This one is an electric one because I don't like those ones that you have to cock back every time you want to shoot. The yellow/ grey thing in the back is the source of it. It's supposed to be used for making and programing robots but you can still use it for things like this. I programmed it so that when the touch sensor at the bottom is touched that the electric motor that the wire is attached to will spin. Since the motor spins way to fast and isn't very powerful I attached a worm gear (a gear shaped like a spiral meant for making gears have a stronger force but also a lot slower.) to the motor which turns that big gear. And the big gear drives another big gear below it which holds rubber bands between the notches. When each rubber band comes past the top of the gear it is supposed to fling forward. But instead all the rubber bands fling forward at the same time. I haven't figured out why so I'm going to make the same gun but the gear is going to be driven from the side and not by another gear.

Friday, October 19, 2007


This is a pop-up page from my little five year old brothers book he got yesterday. When he got home from school we told him to look in his bed. so he did and he found this book. He said: "Hey... I gotta dinosaur book!!!" (By the way- he cant read so he just flipped through the pages) When he got to this page and the t-Rex popped up he said:"Woooooooooow... a dinosaur!!!" As you can see he gets exited quite a lot. So then he said " I wanna be a dinosaur" And I said "Well if you drink a nasty medicine you can be one". So he finished "reading" the book. Then it was time for us to pray. So we went downstairs and he told everybody "Hey! Moby's gonna give me a nasty medicine and I'm gonna be a dinosaur!!" Then at night, when we were eating dinner since he never eats his food my mom said if he eats all his food he'll be a dinosaur. Then he started chasing us around and we pretended he was a dinosaur. My mom said he wasn't a dinosaur any more so we sat down and my mom also told him that he had to wait 'till tomorrow to become a dinosaur again. And he said:"Yeah! and when i be a dinosaur tomorrow I can't use the door and I'm gonna eat every body" And I said "Well then I'll be one too and eat you." and he said "no... cuz you need green eyes to be one" Then my sister got involved. She said "you don't even have green eyes. Yours are brown." Then my brother went on. "And if I'm a dinosaur I don't have to stop at the red light" And I'm like "huh?" Then my sister got involved again and remembered that he just learned about traffic lights and he always said "STOP! it's a red light!" when we were about to cross the street or something like that. Anyway- she said "he means the traffic light and I say "oh" And no matter what my brother will always be crazy.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Lego Star Wars

These are the games Lego Star Wars 1 and 2. One is the first three episodes and one is the last three episodes. We got the first one because we spent two nights at our friends house and they had an Xbox 360 which we played on every day and they had Lego Star Wars 1 and I liked it a lot. They told me that there was a version for PC (since I don't have a console) so soon after we bought that for 20 bucks which I think is too much for a game and a few days ago we got Lego Star Wars 2. We figured that the 2nd one had better graphics and more things to do and more levels and... and... and... Well you get the point. But when we figured out the new one called the
Saga (which had more levels and a lot more features) came out on everything BUT PC we got disappointed- even though it was 40 bucks.. Twice the amount of regular video games.

Friday, October 12, 2007

"arts and crafts"

This is one of the strange arts that my brother made in his kindergarten class. I dont know why it looks so ugly but my sister claims that his teacher cut out the shapes for him. As you can see theres a backwards y.v.b on the "shirt". This he got from africa when he saw every thing with y.v.b. on it. He soon learned these were his initials but he couldnt quite get the y and the b right. In school he memorized the "Three little pigs" in his own way. but the day after he got a paper bag puppet of a pig and he lost it and he refuses to say the story unless he finds his puppet. I like how my brother made the arms. The teeny hands and the arms are twice as big.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Harry potter

These are my sisters harry potter books. Not mine. I read the first chapter of the second book before and it wasn't interesting. My sister, however IS interested in them. One time my dad told her to read the first page of the first book and she ended up reading the whole book. From then on whenever another book came out, it was her first priority to buy it. No matter the price. Now she's read every book cover to cover more than five times. I don't see why she likes harry potter though. I guess it's fair. I like Star wars, she likes harry potter. Whenever we watch a movie she keeps talking about how they skipped a lot of chapters and we can't enjoy the movie. The good part is when she's reading she doesn't bother me.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The new improved toy area

This is a picture of our "improved" toy area from now on known as the classroom.This is also where we're going to put my Mom's and Dads computer. Last time I showed you a picture of the toy area all messy but now it got cleaned up so that my sister and I can have a place to work... Even though we already had a place to work. Now my little brother found all the old toys and he plans to play with them when he gets home from school today. Now I'm afraid that we'll have to work hours and hours and hours and hours longer because this is now our official learning space and that can mean a lot. I'm just hoping that no more books arrive in the mail because we've already got to many books.... and I'm already way too tired to do any more work.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

My sister's basketball hoop

This is a picture of my sisters basketball hoop. She likes basketball a lot so last month she decided to get her own basketball and hoop. She bought the hoop for $100 and the basketball for $20. Now she practices every day but she wont let anyone use her ball... Even when she's not using it. That means we have to use the old ball and we never compete. Also, when we were building the hoop she only let me do the hard stuff and wouldn't let me do any fun things. Now when we practice, I don't try to shoot. I was never good at that. Instead I practice dribbling on a tile in the grass so I can practice my aim for when I play basketball to trick people more.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Water guns

These are my $130 worth of water guns. But it's weird that we only bought them for $57.50. The red ones we bought for full price: $10 each. The
white ones we bought at half price:$10 because it just happened to be time for clearance at Wall mart.The blue water gun came with a backpack for 7 dollars. It was worth 30 dollars. And the four other backpacks we got for $2.50 each, they're worth $10 each. We haven't had a real water gun fight with the blue one yet because its new. We had a two person battle with it but that doesn't count in my opinion. One of the red ones doesn't work well, I have no idea what happened to it. The two white ones work fine but we've never actually put ice in them like your supposed to. I'm planning on having a water gun fight on the weekend with them.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Our computers

This is a picture of two of our computers. We also have four more, but two of those don't work. The one on the left is my dads computer and the one on the right is my moms. But my moms computer is slow. We also have one downstairs but that wont even start up properly. We have my dads old laptop, the kids laptop and my moms laptop. The only reason I use the computers is because I have to do my blog, play Runescape play Lego star wars, play other games on the Internet and read BBC.