Friday, February 22, 2008

The story of Cukooman

Okaaaaaaaay... We can't find the camera that I use or any other camera that takes good pictures, so today I'm going to write a story that just pops up in my head and that I make up as I go along.

Once upon a time there was a man called Cukooman that lived in a town called Cukooville where everyone was cuckoo and didn't know what to do. One day, Cukooman came outside to take out the mail. Then he remembered that there was no such thing as mail in Cukooville. So he went and got in his car and drove to work. But since there was no such thing as cars in Cukooville, he was just pretending that he had a car. When he got to "work", he went inside and got some coffee and candy. Then he sat by his computer and played computer games. Then he went and got some more coffee and some more candy and played some more computer games until his boss came. He said: "I SAID THAT YOU HAD TO PLAY RUNESCAPE! NOT CLUB PENGUIN! AND I ALSO SAID TO DRINK DECAF COFFEE AND EAT WONKA CANDY!!!!!! YOU'RE FIRED!" So Cukooman went to the store and bought toys for his imaginary children and presents for his imaginary friends and water balloons for his imaginary enemies and games for his imaginary computer and a whole bunch of other stuff like paint for his imaginary house. When he got home, he painted his imaginary house but ended up spilling paint everywhere. He gave the toys to his imaginary children but they didn't even move. He gave the presents to his imaginary friends, but they just dropped them on the ground. He threw the water balloons to his imaginary enemies but they just bounced off of the neighbors house back to his face. So with nothing else to do, Cukooman left Cukooville and jumped into a dumpster. The end.

That's the story of Cukooman in Cukooville.

1 comment:

KC (Kitty) said...

omg what kind of story is that? XD lol its funny tho.