Friday, February 1, 2008

My Sisters New Monopoly Game

A few days ago, we went to the mall with my grandpa, my mom and my dad. We were allowed to get anything we wanted, as long as we had enough money. Personally, I didn't want to get anything but instead, save up for something even though I don't know what. My brother got a gun that shoots bubbles. My two younger sisters wanted wallets for some reason. My older sister got an awesome, modern time Monopoly game. I don't really like Monopoly because the money always gets in your way and you never know how much you have total. This one is different. It has credit cards instead. It comes with a calculator thing with two sides. One is where you put your credit card in and add money to it, and one is where you put your credit card in and take money out. (Of course they're not real credit cards.) There are also realistic prices. Instead of getting money around the thousands and the hundreds, you get money around the millions and the hundreds. You can also transfer money from one card to another. Some of the places include: All of the important airports instead of the railroads, the white house, Disney land, and a whole bunch of other cool things. The credit cards have bumps on them so that the calculator thing knows which card has been put in. The pieces for the game are: A baseball cap, a wide screen TV, a puppy in a purse, one of those two wheeled transportation things that I don't know how to explain, a box of mints, and I don't know the rest. For some reason though, the grownups don't seem to like modern age things. I don't know why.

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