Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Star Wars Battlefront continued

This is a screenshot that I took of me playing Star Wars Battlefront two. As you can see, I'm Obi-wan Kenobi or however you say it, About to own a bunch of droids. I think I stopped on clone sniper. The next person is a Heavy Trooper. He has the biggest, heaviest gun, but it shoots rockets which can be really powerful and useful for taking out vehicles. But they are also slow compared to the other guns so you need to get into a place where you're sure that you're going to hit. His second primary weapon (guns all those things. Secondary weapons are things like thermal detonators and mines.) is a blaster pistol like most of the troopers. Having such a big gun, he is really slow compared to some of the other clones. He has some grenades and mines. The mines are good for blocking up a place so that droids pay badly if they try to invade. Of course everyone next to them pays too. The next type is a Clone Commander. He is my favorite other than the Clone Engineer. He is a little faster than the heavy trooper because of his big chain gun. His chain gun has unlimited ammunition but it overheats like most guns with unlimited. (Limited amounts reload instead of overheating.) When he holds down the trigger for his chain gun, after he waits for a second, the thing blasts every 10Th of a second. His second first weapon is a regular blaster pistol... or a commando pistol... I can't remember which. His secondary weapon is this shield thing that he puts around himself and anyone near him. It's not a completely protective shield, but it protects you. His next secondary weapon is a recon droid. This is basically a remote control orb with an antenna and a gun that you can use to scout. You can self destruct this for an explosion. The last type of clone trooper is called a Jet Trooper. He has a gun sort of like the rocket launcher, but smaller called an EMP. It's not used for large vehicles like the rocket launcher, but for infantry. If you can hit them with it, they're as good as dead and they can go tell their master that they cowered off and were afraid of the not-so-hard-to-dodge EMP. His secondary weapon I think is a commando pistol. This is like the regular blaster pistol but more powerful. He has grenades for his secondary weapon. The best thing about him is that he has a Jet Pack so that he can fly up to high places to own with a sniper... well you don't have to do that. There are just as many types of droids, but most of them are the same, so it shouldn't take long. The first ones are the same. (Engineer sniper Heavy trooper) The first one that is the basic one like the clone trooper is a Super Battle droid. You can see these in the picture. They're the completely gray one that looks like he got beheaded and his head was stamped onto his chest. He has a wrist blaster equal to a blaster rifle. He has a secondary wrist blaster equal to a blaster pistol. And finally, he has a wrist rocket equal to a grenade. Everything else except the last two are exactly the same. The regular battle droid with the red chest in the picture is an assault droid. (Equal to a heavy trooper.) The last two are: First of all, the Droideka. This can curl up into a ball and roll around to get around fast. After it deploys from a ball, it can put up it's shield and shoot at people. Once it's Stamina is out, it has to take his shield off until it refills. Or you can just throw a bunch of grenades until his shield gives in. The last one is in the picture. He's the one right in front of Obi-wan. His weapons are the recon droid, an EMP, wrist rockets... and a blaster pistol. These droids are the most Human-Like droids. If you can see it well enough, you can tell that these are the gaurds that General Greivous kept but with guns instead of those electric sword things. Then there's the rebels and the storm troopers that I'm not going to mention. (They're the same as everything except for the last two.) The point of Battlefront is to follow the story of the 501st. (One of the squads of clones that fought in the clone wars.) It starts the training mission at Geonosis. Each team has unlimited players. It goes through the battle on Geonosis, to the battle on Hoth at the beginning of episode 4 as stormtroopers. They also have a whole bunch of stuff in between. One of them is where the people on Kamino built another army of clones to beat the stormtroopers (You) and you have to try to deactivate them and everything. In another unique level, you get to fight battle droids as stormtroopers made from a Geonosian on a private factory on Mustafar. When someone is fighting in a battle, they have a blue bar on the left side of the screen and a smaller yellow bar below that representing your Stamina. Whenever your gun aim is pointing to anything killable, a bar shows at the top of the screen telling what it is you're pointing at and how much health it has. On the top right corner is the radar. It shows you, which way you're facing, which way is north, where enemies and friends are, and where your objectives are. On the top left corner, there are updates like: Moby killed Unit 324 or Unit 908 Killed Moby. On each side of the bar that shows whatever you're pointing at, it shows how many people are on each team or anything else you need to know for what you're doing. There are two other important things. One, instant action. You can choose any planet in the history of Star Wars and choose if you want to play capture the flag with one flag and capture the flag with two flags, and assault which is where you have to kill a certain amount of enemies before the other people kill you and your friends. You can also do XL which is where you also kill people, but in a certain amount of time. Lastly, there's conquest. This is where there's five command posts on the map and you try to capture them by standing near them for twenty seconds with no enemies around. You have to try to capture all of them or kill all of the enemies and you win. Galactic conquest is where you get to have a map of the galaxy with two ships plotted on it. You get to move yours around like a game piece and the enemy also does that with theirs. You can buy new ships to put in more places on the map, you can buy bonuses like a Jedi and other things. Every time your ship moves by a planet not occupied by you, you get to have a conquest battle like in instant action. Whoever wins gets the planet. If the planet was already yours and you won, you keep it. Whoever gets all the planets first wins. Anyone else owning Star Wars battlefront 2 on the same console as you (In my case PC) can play together with you no matter where you are. That's everything that's important. It'd take at least ten posts to describe everything in the game. The end.

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