Friday, March 7, 2008


There's nothing to talk about today because... because... because... because... because I've taken pictures of everything "interesting". So If you expect me to write anything interesting, you might as well jump to the moon. The only thing I'm happy about today is that it's Friday and it's time to end the boring school of bores. Then we get to have fun for what seems to be the first time in my life. So....... um.......... how are you today? I'm doing fine... Actually.. no I'm not. I'm really so dead bored that you could slap me in the face and I wouldn't even twitch. School wasn't made for education which is obvious only to kids for some reason. School was made to make kids so bored that they regret even thinking about fun. If there was no such thing as school and you learned by yourself, the world would be a much happier place. All I can think about right now is games, fun, outside, trampoline, computer, water guns, and so on. I'm so bored. I wonder, do teachers really care if kids get an education? They say they do, but I think that's not why they're a teacher. They either are obsessed with money or enjoy seeing kids get the opposite of what they thought they would do that day. Just give us ONE MORE TEENY TINY DAY FOR THE WEEKEND AND I'LL BE HAPPY!!! That's all I have to say. The end.

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