Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I have no particular subject to talk about right now so I will give you boring updates dating from last week. (Hint Hint: these are boring) Monday, last week: Sorry, I'm skipping that because I forgot what happened. Tuesday, last week: I went to boy scouts and was told I would be having a camping trip. Wednesday, last week: I forget. Thursday, last week.... My mom told me that I would go to my neighbors house to work at 10:00. Friday, last week: We forgot to go to the neighbors house, I packed for my camping trip and I had to leave for the WEEKEND. Saturday:I'm at my camping trip, we do a whole bunch of activities including going fishing for the first time in my life and doing this rock climbing wall thing. Sunday: We're finally leaving and my sisters go to girl scouts for like the first time in months whereas I go every week. Monday: It was my brothers birthday and he got his favorite toy: transformers. He got a cool one which is one that actually transforms and an electric one which makes weird noises that you can't understand. Tuesday: I went to boy scouts and got elected 'cheer master' which is the person that leads the songs because I'm apparently the most 'cheerful'. I've decided I want to make up my own songs instead of the old old old old songs that we always sing. Today: I woke up half an hour before my sister and now I'm writing my blog. That's everything important so: Bye Bye until I have something better to write about.

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