Monday, February 22, 2010

RUNESCAPE!!!!! pt 2 of like 500000000

Yesterday I left off at the magic spell part on the right side of the screen. I've taken a lot of pictures and put them into one based on a whole bunch of things that I'm going to tell you about. (If you click on the picture, you can see them way bigger (full screen)) Okay, the icon next to the magic book is the prayer icon. It looks like a compass without the NE, SE, NW, and SW arrows. When you click on this, it shows your prayer level and all the things you can do with that. I'll show you an example because it's sort of hard to explain. There are around 30-40 'prayer spells' as I call them on the list. If my prayer level was 30, I could do around ten of them because you unlock more and more the higher your level gets. It's not like magic because it's mainly to get your stats (I'll get to them later) up instead of teleportation and stuff. Some increase your defense, strength, and help protect from certain attacks and lots of other things that I'll get to later. Back to the level 30 thing... If I had a prayer level of 30, and used a spell, I would only be able to use it for a limited amount of time. Every ten seconds or so, you lose one of your levels. (depending on what your level is) Not permanently... you can recharge it to whatever level you had at first, but once you reach 0, you can't use prayers until you recharge. The one after that is combat stats (or what I call them at least) You can put different armour and weapons on your person and look at them from the front. (If it's sort of hard for you to understand things I'm saying, look at the pictures and also the video that I posted yesterday.) You can also view your attack, defense, magic, and ranged stats. If you click on another button, it shows all the things on you at that moment that aren't in your bank, and shows the three most valuable items at the top and all the rest at the bottom. These are the items that you will keep and lose if you die. Sometimes, if you attack something in a certain part of RuneScape called the wilderness, you get a skull above your head. This is a symbol that shows that if you die, you lose ALL your items instead of all but three. There is also a prayer spell that lets you keep an extra item if you die. The one after that is your inventory. It can hold up to 24 items only, but that doesn't include things you are wearing and sometimes there are bags that you can hold extra items inside that only take one space. Every item only takes up one space no matter what. Some things like runes, only take up one space no matter how many runes you have (But it's for each type of rune, you can't have all types of runes taking up one space.) because every time you do a magic spell, you use up those runes and sometimes you need around five runes per spell, so you'd only be allowed to attack with magic a few times before you ran out. The next one is stats. These show all your levels.The three most important are: Strength, attack, hitpoints and defense. Other ones include thieving, (For members. I didn't mention that RuneScape is free, but if you pay five dollars a month, you can get a whole bunch of other cool things.) magic, ranging (Bows) and herbelore. (Potions) Each level has things called Xp or experience. All levels save the important ones I mentioned start at level 1. You get Xp by practicing on that. The higher the level, the more things you can do in that level like getting more armor or being able to make new things. Hitpoints are how much health you have. It always starts at ten, but all levels can get to 99. Strength attack and defense start at level 3. When you get your attack level up, you can hold more types of weapons. (There are lots of metals like bronze, steel, iron, mithril, admant, rune, and dragon.) The higher the level, the better type of metal you can wield. It's the same thing with defense but with shields and armor. Strength lets you hit higher. Whenever you start, your highest hit is around 3. You can get up to around 50 per hit. That's all I can explain for today. Look at the pictures to get a better idea on combat. But one more thing, the combat triangle. The three types of attacks are ranged, magic, and melee. Melee is attacking close up with swords and things. Magic is using runes to attack. Ranged is using bow and arrows. The combat triangle is who can attack who better. Magic is better against Melee because the more non magic armor (Magic armour is like cloth robes, pointed hats, and stuff like that.) you're wearing, the harder Magic hurts you. Melee is better against ranged because the metal armor deflects the arrows without taking much damage and the swords are more powerful against the ranged armour (leather armour, coifs, and vambraces.) because it can cut through the leather easily. Ranged is better against magic because if you attack with the arrows, it can easily cut through the cloth. The magic doesn't do as good against ranged because it has less non magic armour. The more of the combat type of armour you have, the more powerful you are in that class. If you have really good ranged armour, you hit harder with ranged. Same with magic. The more non magic armour you have, the less good you are against magic. Tomorrow, I'll start getting down to the items, quests, and a whole bunch of other cool things.

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