Monday, February 22, 2010

I've Started Again!

Yes! The title tells you. I'm going to start blogging again. I have no idea how long it's been since my last real post, but this is my next. In such a long amount of time, my interests have changed. I still have a lot of the same though. I don't mess around with Legos a lot anymore; maybe occasionally, but not often. I've stopped playing RuneScape and am happy about it. Instead of using all these cheap programs like Scratch and Genesis3D to make video games, I'm learning to program using the programming language Python ( I've decided I want to be a video game designer or have some other programming job when I get older. I want to go to MIT even though that's setting my hopes really, really high. I finally started going to public school which is the main reason I stopped blogging. I used to blog as a homeschool assignment every day, now I want to do it as an activity. As a physical, outdoor activity, I've decided on parkour and freerunning which are both types of urban gymnastics. The only problem with them is the fact that they're not accepted widely like boring (to me) sports such as football. I want to get good grades in school so I can end up with a good job. The only bad grade I got in school was last year; I got a B in language arts. Otherwise, I'm doing good. I usually don't get lower than a 97% in any classes. The cool thing about school is you have friends you can see every day which is why I was really bored in my previous posts. No friends in homeschool... at least no face-to-face ones. I never know how to end these things... I'll just end how I used to: The End.


KC (Kitty) said...
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KC (Kitty) said...

sorry i meant to say you *don't* call yourself miserable haha typo city over here! XD