First of all, the bag. It has a cool zipper (Like any other one.) that closes the top of the bag. It also has some cool Velcro (Like any other Velcro.) that closes a cool flap. (Like any other flap.) Lastly, it has awesome handles and side pockets (Like any other handles and side pockets.) that do cool things like... like... like... Forget it! Time to move along.
Now, the hammer. On the far left side of the picture , there's a big long tool called a hammer crowbar or a crowbar hammer or whatever. It has a smasher thing at the front that you can bang on nails and bashing stuff open. That thing at the back is to silently take nails out of your door so that you don't get in trouble for nailing them in the first place. Moving along.Now let's talk about the screwdrivers. They're lined up against each other right under the bag... In the picture. One is called a Phillips head screwdriver, (Phillip must have had an ugly head.) and one is called a Flat head screwdriver. They have magnets at their tips so that they get magnetized to screws so that you can be lazy instead of looking all over the place for them. By the way, you TURN the screwdriver just in case you didn't know.
The pliers (On the far right of the picture.) open and close so that you can grab stuff with it and pull them out or something like that so that you don't kill yourself trying to pull them out with your bare hands. (I don't actually know how to use them so I'm just making a wild guess.) They work like scissors I guess... but I don't actually think that they would make a good pair.
In the picture next to the pliers is the crescent wrench. It's like a regular wrench, but you can change the size of it by turning a worm gear under the crescent of the wrench or whatever you call that part. You use it on a bolt to turn it. It's called crescent wrench for two reasons. One because it's shaped like a crescent, (Well duh.) and two because the company that made it up was called crescent.There are two pairs of scissors in the picture. (Find them.) One is an ordinary pair of scissors that cuts through cardboard and paper and stuff like that. The other is a dangerous pair of utility scissors. (My dad gave them to me. They didn't come with the kit.) The utility scissors rule. They can cut pennies (The coin.) in half.
I'm making these last ones fast so that I can get my school work over with. The tape measure is 12 ft. long and self locks so that you can measure stuff like how rich someone is. (No not really.) This is the last one and I'm so happy. The last one is a pair of wire cutters. This is used like scissors again but to cut wires. But I'm pretty sure that you can cut wires with the utility scissors. THE END
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