This, as we all know, is a ball. The other thingamabobamathingamajigs, as we all know, are made of plastic. The ball, as only I know, can talk. And the plastic, as only I know, have super secret awesome weird secretive sensors inside them. This game, or should I say, Super secretive only meant for super secret spies spy gear is secretly named the name of Cosmic Catch. Just kidding about all that super secret spy stuff. It's really a catch game. When you put batteries in and press the button, it talks in that weird robot tone. "Cosmic (changes tone) Catch. (changes tone) Players, (changes tone) sign in. (changes tone) pass the ball (changes tone) to each player." Then each player puts one of the colored bands around their hand so that the plastic part is touching your palm. You then pass the ball to each player, and whenever the ball gets close to the plastic part on your palm, it senses the color. In the games, it'll tell you who to pass the ball to. (For example) "Red (changes tone) pass the ball to (changes tone) green." Supposing you passed it to green, the ball will tell him the next color to pass it to. If you pass it to the wrong color, or if the ball hits the ground, it makes a very lame exaggerated explosion sound. There are four games. The first is fast pass. In it, you pass the ball to whoever it tells you to pass it to. The second, code challenge, I don't really understand. The third is called add one. You're supposed to pass it to any color, for example, green. He passes it back to you, you pass it back to him. After that, He passes it to red or any other color. Then red passes it back to you. Every time you add a new color. Eventually it gets really hard to remember, and someone passes it to the wrong player. The last one is called You're out. You have a certain amount of time to pass the ball to whoever he says, and when it runs out of time, the last person holding the ball goes out. It keeps going until there's one player left and that one wins. The end to my long, tiring, boring, bad, worst story in the world. Boring stories: To be continued.
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