into rooms, weapons, and suspects. One person takes a card off of each pile and puts them in a paper pouch without looking. This represents the person, the weapon, and the room that Mr. We got a lot of new games in the last few months. Some we had a long time ago, but they broke, and some that we've wanted for a long long long long long long long long long long long long long long time. The games that we already had are: Life, Sorry, Scrabble, Star Wars Monopoly, and Disney Monopoly. (We have a lot more old games but I'm only mentioning the ones in the picture. The new games are: Connect 4, That memory game that I have no idea what it's called, Pictionary, Clue, Chutes and Ladders, and Battleship. First, I'll talk about Clue. A few days ago, my big sister, my friend and I had nothing to do. My mom said she had Clue and my sister was all exited even though I'd never heard of the game. Soon, she taught us. Now we play it at least three times daily. There are 21 cards. Six have the different suspects on them, (Colonel Mustard, Mrs. Peacock, Ms. White, Mr. Green, Professor Plum and Ms. Scarlet.) six have weapons, (Revolver, Candlestick, Wrench, Knife, Lead pipe, and Rope.) and all the rest have rooms. The layout of the board is basically a hallway connecting to all the rooms. Before the game, the cards are separated into weapons, people and rooms. One of each go into a paper pouch. The rest of the cards get passed out equally to each player and no one knows what anyone else has. They also get a sheet of paper that they can mark off suspects and other information on. Each player chooses a suspect and take turns rolling the dice. They can move as many spaces as they want as long as it's less than the number on the dice. If they pass the open door of a room, they can go in. Once they're in the room, they can suggest or accuse someone, the weapon they killed Mr. Boddy with, and the room he was killed in. If one of their suggestions are wrong, the other players show that person his or her cards that he suggested that they had. If they had the card, obviously the person or item isn't in the paper pouch. Once you're absolutely sure, you can accuse. After that, you take the cards out of the paper pouch and see if you're right. If you're wrong, you're out and the others continue.
To be continued...
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