Friday, January 25, 2008

Mr. Rubik's Evil Brother

He finally came!!! The evil twin (or almost) of Mr. three by three Rubik's! His name is Dr. four by four Rubik's*. Two nights ago, my granddad all the way from Massachusetts! The next day, (like he always does) went to the mall with my sister and I. While we were there, we saw this thing at a puzzle store all trapped up in a cage. (Or rather, a box.) We ended up getting it anyway and bringing it home. I was the first to try it. I solved the top green side of the cube and got stuck there and no one else has solved it. But, he was in a cage and the cage told all the evil secrets about him and showed how to defeat him. (I mean, the WEBSITE where you learn how to defeat him.) So I'm going to attempt to defeat him again, and if and when I fail, I'll go to the website and I'll beat him and if HIS evil twin (or brother) comes called Mr. five by five Rubik's, I will defeat him. So on and so forth. The end.

*These are fake names. It's really called Rubik's revenge.

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