Friday, May 13, 2011

Ow... my head...

Oh, sorry. I was just reading through my most recent posts. Yeah, those ones from like, a year ago. Yep, I've started again, and I'm not going to say for good, because I've said that before, and it didn't happen. So I guess I should explain those other posts... Well, what happened was... I thought I was cool and my social life was important, but now, I've realized that talking to myself over the internet is far more productive than making real friends. So if you're reading this, you're probably me... or someone I've asked to read it. But seriously, I want to have something to suck up my time, and this seems right. So I'm going to go over what I plan on doing on this blog and what has happened to me over the relatively short period of time since I've stopped blogging.

My decision to blog was a sudden, random decision about ten or fifteen minutes before I finished writing this sentence. In order to tell you how this decision came around, I have to explain the past year. So, middle school was awesome. I had lots of friends, and it was pretty fun. During the summer, my friends and I got together a lot and hung out. However, afterwards, we went to separate schools. Most of my friends went to one school, East-Meck, and I went to Rocky River. The system had to through me in there so the test scores wouldn't be as bad as they would otherwise. It's really a longer story than that, but I couldn't find anyone I could relate to in that school, and to be honest, I have approximately 0 friends that are like the ones I had in middle school that go with me to high school. I started to hate it, and I found this cool FIRST robotics team called Yeti which I joined. We were a rookie team and we went to nationals. It was pretty awesome. I'm friends with everyone on the team and they're pretty great; far better than any friends I have at my school. So after we went to nationals (and got 25th out of 88 in our division), we were trying to decide what to do, and one of the boys kind of jokingly said "We should build a quadrocopter!". I'd seen them before on YouTube, and they seemed pretty cool, so I looked at more videos. The more I watched, the more I got obsessed (this was all last week, if you want to know). So anyway, I eventually got serious about it even though it kind of started as a joke. I found a cool site with tutorials for every step of building one, and after a few days of researching, I ordered all the parts. They haven't arrived yet, and they may while my dad is out of town next week. So, today, he said he wanted me to take pictures as I received and began building everything and post them on here. That was about an hour or so before I finished writing this sentence, so I thought maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to blog again, so here I am.

I really hope to do a lot on here. I'll rant about things and maybe put up tutorials on cool and interesting things. I will talk about my life and stuff... and I really suck at coming up with plans, so if you're interested, just stay tuned and read. So, bye!

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