Sunday, May 22, 2011

My Weekend

So I didn't really test out the Arduino this weekend (yet) because of other things. Yesterday, I went to a gymnasium (for gymnastics) for the first time ever, and it was awesome. I'd never been on a springfloor before, and I spent most of my time there. I couldn't do any flips, even with the extra height, because I still need to work on my technique. I did practice vaults, and was surprised. There were some big blocks we set up probably four and a half feet high, and I could kong and dash vault over them, which was very surprising to me because they were both high and long. I could also dive roll over them which surprised me even more because I thought I sucked at those. Afterwards, I went to the foam pit to attempt learning the psychological part of a backflip, and I did after falling backwards over and over. Now I just need to work on the technique. I was so close before I left, and hope to get it next time. There's another open gym next week, but I can't go because of something I'm doing with my robotics team. I'll go the Saturday after, though. When I came back from that, I went to my friends house for his birthday party. We just sat around watching other people play Black Ops, the most overrated game ever. I did learn, however, how to jump over my leg, which was cool. Today, I'm going to study and do my homework, and after finishing that, spend whatever time I have messing with the Arduino and experimenting with a cool music program demo for FL Studio.

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