Thursday, May 1, 2008

Star Wars Battlefront 2 Maps

Underground. In the game, if you play on Everyone who plays video games knows: If you've done every single thing on it, it gets really boring. This doesn't occur with Star Wars games, but sometimes you get tired of the levels anyway. So these people have come to the rescue. There are about a billion levels that should be in Star Wars Battlefront 2 that aren't, So these people make them. There are things called 'maps' and 'mods'. Maps are basically planets and levels that aren't included in the game. In the picture, you can see three pictures of some maps. The one on the left is 'Geonosis assault on hills' This is The wide open plain that they fight on during star wars episode two. Some of the things different about this map from the Geonosis map in Star Wars Battlefront 2 are: There are no boundaries. Boundaries are basically the edges of the level. If you go past them, you automatically die, or sometimes, they don't let you go past the boundaries. Second, there are always Jedi from the movie on the plain whereas in the other version there are only clones, Geonosians, and droids. There are also some more vehicles. One of them is an LAAT gunship. They're the spaceships that the clones arrived in in the movies. Usually, you're only allowed to ride these in space battles, but in this level, you're allowed to stand on it and shoot from there or drive around and shoot with your turrets. Lastly, it looks different. It's hard to explain those things, so I'll skip it. The middle map in the picture is Hoth. Besides the fact that it's different, the only other thing that's different about it is that they made a new character. The third one is the battle of Endor. The reason this wasn't in star wars battlefront, is because the story only ranges from episode 3 to 5. Anyway, it's the only level where you get to play as the Millenium Falcon and destroy the death star... there are also different tie fighters and ships to drive. Those are what maps are. 'Mods' are where you edit players. In star wars episode 3, there are things that I call 'General Grievous Guards'. In the game, you can play as these, but you can't use their electro-staff things. Instead you have to use guns. But some people edit them so that you CAN use the electro-staffs. Sometimes, they make new weapons, sometimes they just want to make them look cooler, and sometimes, they just want to make a new person. This is something that I'm looking forward to learning how to do... Not like I ever will... I figured out about these things a long time ago, but every time I try to, it doesn't work. Eventually, I figured out that you need a program called 'win zip' to download them. I Googled it, and figured out that you have to pay to use it... So I'll just go with the regular game and play 'online' which is where you play with other people around the world who have the game because I'm tired of facing the 'skills' of the computer controlled characters because they're no match for me.

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