Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Helicopter Thing

I finally found the camera! Now I can make a semi-bad post and not an entirely bad post. So anyway, the thing in the picture is a cool helicopter thing. At first, I thought this was a dumb toy with a lever that just lifts the helicopter thing up. What really happens, is there's a motor inside the base of the helicopter landing thing with a rod coming out of it into the helicopter. When the motor spins around, the rod spins the propeller around and makes the helicopter lift up.
there is a lever on the other side of the base that I didn't show in the picture that controls the speed of the motor also controlling the height of the helicopter. There is also one other lever right next to the one I just told you about that controls the angle of the helicopter. When you pull it back, it lets the weight of the helicopter tilt it back making the helicopter go backwards. When you push it forward, it pushes the helicopter so that it tilts forward making the helicopter go forward. There are two poles next to the one spinning the propeller that control the pitch. When the helicopter lifts off, a small hook flips down. The helicopter came with two box shaped plastic things with loops on the top. If you can control the helicopter well, it's easy to loop these around the hook. But my favorite thing of all to do with it is to set up plastic army guys and knock them all down with it. I'd rather get a RC helicopter, but this was the cheapest thing they had. It was only $10 and it's usually worth it.

I have read the first 3 Harry Potter books and 1/4 of the 4th in the last two weeks. The computer still isn't fixed, we watched the movie Vantage Point last night, today is Wednesday, and I'm going to make a comic with chickens holding a sign that says Eet Mor Beef.

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