The Dreaded Piano
This is a picture of our boring\kind of fun when you want to play it electric piano. It's boring when you have to do it for schoolwork but it's fun when you get to do it whenever you want. My dad makes us do half an hour of piano a day. (A whole entire half-hour!) Right now I'm learning how to play a song called "Chocolate rain". I've learned all the keys for my right hand but I'm having trouble with my left hand because the youtube video (My only resource) didn't show how to do the left hand clearly. Now, I have a whole bunch of books that teach how to read sheet music which is extremely hard when it could be a lot easier. So far, all the songs I've learned are: Happy Birthday To You, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and the right hand part of Chocolate Rain. My sister is playing the flute instead, and instead of learning songs, she's learning the scales... and she's a master at reading sheet music. Since we usually wake up late for homeschooling, we don't finish it until about 7 or 8 O'clock. That's about the only reason I don't like piano... Otherwise, I like it.
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