Tuesday, December 18, 2007

My Clean Room

A few days ago, I went to Virginia with my old sister and my dad to visit my family. While we were gone, my mom cleaned up the house a little. She cleaned up the whole downstairs and changed the position of a coffee table and a couch (Which is always exiting because you're getting new places to run and jump around.) and threw away at least half of the junk we have around the house. (Actually, I don't really know.) Well, anyway, when I got home, my room was a complete mess (As always) which is fine with me. But today, two of my friends and their parents and maybe some others are coming that I hardly ever see, and since visitors always sleep in my room, I always have to clean it up. So telleth the story of before my mom began stopping the mass destruction of my room. So, after the three little kids went to bed, my mom began cleaning my room. I always thought I didn't want to get rid of anything in my room, but it turned out, I wanted at least three fourths of my room out. So in the end, we filled two trash bags of useless junk that we threw away, and three trash bags that we are going to take to Goodwill. (A place where you take stuff that you don't want so that other people can take them.(are you getting tired of these parentheses yet?)) I don't know anything else to explain... except for the fact that I'll probably mess my room up again in one months time. So long. Bye Bye. See you some other time. Keep me updated. Bonjour. Wait.... Man! How do you say Bye in french?! Whatever. You can leave me alone now.

Monday, December 17, 2007

The Book Fair

Every year, we have a book fair in North Carolina called the Warehouse Book Fair. Every thing there is half off, so you can buy an expensive 10 dollar book for only five dollars. Personally, I only like activity and Klutz books like the one in the picture. Any other ones aren't on my list. If you don't know why, here are my reasons: I don't like social studies books because the only way that they'll help you in life is to get out of school. They don't allow imagination either, which is why ANY kid doesn't like school. I don't like work books or trivia's because they require useless knowledge that I already know. I don't like biographies and autobiographies because they're only about one person out of the six billion on the planet. Finally, I don't like many how-to books because they don't give you time to practice one thing, but instead, they introduce billions of things at once and expect you to remember all of them. These are the dangers of going to the book fair... But they also have some pretty cool things like books that come with things that you can build with, electronics, and a million other things. (Or I could just say Klutz books, because the Klutz press is made just for having fun... UNLIKE schoolbooks.) Bye Bye. Have a nice afternoon or morning or night or whatever time it is.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Game controllers

A long time ago, I showed you that game pad on the left of the photo. Later, I was using it for a game when my character automatically moved without pushing the joystick forward. I tried it with another game and the same thing happened. The controller was defective.
Later that night, my big sister went to the store to look for bikes. She bought me that bottom controller for a present. As you can see, (If you know much about video game consoles) the one at the bottom is a PlayStation2 controller. If you know anything about PlayStation's, you know that they don't use USB, so they don't plug into computers. So instead of returning it, I'm going to save it for when I go to my cousins house to give it to him for a present because he happens to need a second controller for his PlayStation2. Two days ago, my sister was getting her haircut. I had to come so we went to Radioshack and bought the controller to the right of the picture. We installed the software with that teeny CD and it worked fine and we all lived happily ever after.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Shed

This is our shed.... You can't really explain it if you don't know what it looks like inside so I'll just explain it the best I can. (Prepare to fall asleep.) A long time ago, when only my big sister and I existed, the shed was our favorite place. (No, not IN the shed.) We liked it because it had (And still has) about five or more huge boxes of toys. Every month, my mom would give us a new box of toys and put the old one back in the shed... now, nobody dares to get another one. Now my siblings make messes in the house every day and we don't go into the shed because it's even messier in there. We don't keep toys only in the shed. We keep our old couches, chairs, lawnmowers, bows and arrows, skateboards, snowboards and skis that my dad was supposed to sell, exercising machines and about a million other stuff. Every square-inch of the floor... wait, I take it back. Every square MILLIMETER is filled, and you have to step over stuff to get things. There aren't any lights either. I used to joke with my friends about how you could find the Titanic in there. Unfortunately, I lost all contact with my best friends after I got back from Africa. :-( If there is anywhere that's messy on our property, it's the shed. The end. I knew you would fall asleep. I'm a mind reader.

Monday, December 10, 2007

The Dreaded Piano

This is a picture of our boring\kind of fun when you want to play it electric piano. It's boring when you have to do it for schoolwork but it's fun when you get to do it whenever you want. My dad makes us do half an hour of piano a day. (A whole entire half-hour!) Right now I'm learning how to play a song called "Chocolate rain". I've learned all the keys for my right hand but I'm having trouble with my left hand because the youtube video (My only resource) didn't show how to do the left hand clearly. Now, I have a whole bunch of books that teach how to read sheet music which is extremely hard when it could be a lot easier. So far, all the songs I've learned are: Happy Birthday To You, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and the right hand part of Chocolate Rain. My sister is playing the flute instead, and instead of learning songs, she's learning the scales... and she's a master at reading sheet music. Since we usually wake up late for homeschooling, we don't finish it until about 7 or 8 O'clock. That's about the only reason I don't like piano... Otherwise, I like it.

Friday, December 7, 2007

8 Wheeled RC Car

Yesterday, I was shopping in the mall with my grandpa, my older sister, and my mom. We passed a place where they were selling remote control cars and soon after he bought me one.

Most remote control cars only actions are: Forward, turn right, turn left, backward, and turn right and left while going backward. This car can do the same things but it can do a lot of other things too. It can spin around rapidly spin on it's side, get up from it's side, and flip over onto another set of wheels... and it lights up.

The controller is complicated to use. Usually, one of the stick things goes up and down and the other goes left and right. On this one, both go up and down and each only operates one side. The two buttons at the top make the car go backwards even though you can go backwards by putting each of the stick things down. You go forward by pushing both the sticks forward and to go backward, you do the opposite. To turn, you push only one forward and to spin around, you put one forward and one backward. To flip onto another side while you're going forward, you press the two buttons on the top as you're going forward. If your going forward and you suddenly go backward, the car will keep flipping over onto another side until you run out of area or if you stop. It can get up from any side it's knocked over on and it can also spin around like a tornado on it's side. The only trick that I need to learn now, is how to put it on it's side.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Our padio

This is a picture of our patio. (A.K.A. The place where we keep all of our bikes and stuff.) When I was little, (About 5 years old) there was nothing here and my big sister and I would swing on the swings. But now, since my other siblings came and they got bikes too.... and my dad bought that huge lawnmower.... the whole patio got ruined! I will tell you the story of most of the things here. First of all, you only see two bikes and not five, because when we came back from Africa, all of our bikes were gone except for the red one you see. The green one is a whole other story. A long time ago, my big sister got a new bike because she was growing too big for her other one. Her old bike got passed down to one of my younger sisters. A few days later, my big sisters bike got stolen. She got a new one. This was about the time when we were going to Africa so when we were there, the person watching our house while we were gone accidentally broke it. He paid my dad back when we came back and my sister bought this green one. Since we have about 3/4 of an acre, and we had a small lawnmower, my dad bought that big one. Now it's crowding up the space to practice skateboarding. The table in here came from our dining room. The table was getting to small so we changed it with a bigger one. Now my dad keeps a whole bunch of stuff on it. The go-kart came from someones house and eventually, it got broken. Now we can't find any other place to put it. We built that green bike thing and now I don't want to use it. Those are most of the things on our patio. But this is nothing compared to our shed........

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Klutz books

This is a picture of a Klutz book. Klutz is a company that makes books that teach you how to do a certain thing. This one teaches how to tie the 24 most useful knots. Each Klutz book also comes with something for you to practice with. This book comes with a red string and a blue one.

Other Klutz books that I have are: The Klutz book of juggling that comes with three juggling balls. The Klutz book of Lego's that comes with Instructions to make Lego contraptions and all the Lego's you need for it. The Klutz book of castles that comes with a whole bunch of cardboard pieces with slits in them that you can link together to make cool castles. The Klutz book of solar panels that comes with two billion pieces including a solar panel to make a car running on sunlight. And those are all of the books that I remember. Most of them are lost by now and I've been looking for their pieces forever. But at least the most boring ones are still here. :(

Monday, December 3, 2007

Slot Car Tracks

Some kids like those Hotwheel tracks that you put a car on top of and watch it go through the course. I'm not one of those kind of kids. I run on electronics and things that you control yourself. No wonder I don't like television a lot. Television is like watching your Hotwheels car run through the course and crash because you weren't there to stop it. That's why I play with Slot car tracks instead.... even though you only control the speed of the car. But it's better than nothing.

Slot car tracks are plastic tracks that you put a certain car on and control it's speed through the track. The bottom car in the picture is the top view of the slot car. It has an electric motor on it, spinning the back wheels, pushing the car forward. The one above that one is the bottom view of it. The two metal bronze-colored things touch metal lines across the track that carry electric currents. The small thing sticking out in between the metal things fits into the slot in between the two metal lines so that the car stays on course. The two things above that are just tops that you can put on top of the cars so that they look like real cars. The gun shaped thing above those is something that controls the speed of the car. The more you pull the trigger, the faster the car goes.

The tracks all link together in a way that the metal lines all touch each other. This is how the electric current moves around the track. The electricity comes from a certain straight track that two controllers plug into. A power box that plugs into an outlet also plugs into that track.
At first, I thought you could speed the car through the course as fast as possible. I was wrong. I figured out that if you make a turn going really fast, the car will fly off the track across the room. That's why the car is hard to control. You have to go as fast as possible on the straight track but slow down at the exact right speed when you get to a turn. I've also learned that if you go 50 or so laps around the track, when you touch your car, it'll burn you.

There are different kinds of track pieces too. There's a lap counter... Whenever the car passes through, it goes up one lap. Upside down pieces, ramps, and about a million different turn angles. The sponge I have in the box with all my tracks is for cleaning the rust and stuff off the track. If you go without doing that, eventually, the cars won't go. That's about everything I can explain about the car tracks. Bye bye.