Tuesday, December 18, 2007

My Clean Room

A few days ago, I went to Virginia with my old sister and my dad to visit my family. While we were gone, my mom cleaned up the house a little. She cleaned up the whole downstairs and changed the position of a coffee table and a couch (Which is always exiting because you're getting new places to run and jump around.) and threw away at least half of the junk we have around the house. (Actually, I don't really know.) Well, anyway, when I got home, my room was a complete mess (As always) which is fine with me. But today, two of my friends and their parents and maybe some others are coming that I hardly ever see, and since visitors always sleep in my room, I always have to clean it up. So telleth the story of before my mom began stopping the mass destruction of my room. So, after the three little kids went to bed, my mom began cleaning my room. I always thought I didn't want to get rid of anything in my room, but it turned out, I wanted at least three fourths of my room out. So in the end, we filled two trash bags of useless junk that we threw away, and three trash bags that we are going to take to Goodwill. (A place where you take stuff that you don't want so that other people can take them.(are you getting tired of these parentheses yet?)) I don't know anything else to explain... except for the fact that I'll probably mess my room up again in one months time. So long. Bye Bye. See you some other time. Keep me updated. Bonjour. Wait.... Man! How do you say Bye in french?! Whatever. You can leave me alone now.

Monday, December 17, 2007

The Book Fair

Every year, we have a book fair in North Carolina called the Warehouse Book Fair. Every thing there is half off, so you can buy an expensive 10 dollar book for only five dollars. Personally, I only like activity and Klutz books like the one in the picture. Any other ones aren't on my list. If you don't know why, here are my reasons: I don't like social studies books because the only way that they'll help you in life is to get out of school. They don't allow imagination either, which is why ANY kid doesn't like school. I don't like work books or trivia's because they require useless knowledge that I already know. I don't like biographies and autobiographies because they're only about one person out of the six billion on the planet. Finally, I don't like many how-to books because they don't give you time to practice one thing, but instead, they introduce billions of things at once and expect you to remember all of them. These are the dangers of going to the book fair... But they also have some pretty cool things like books that come with things that you can build with, electronics, and a million other things. (Or I could just say Klutz books, because the Klutz press is made just for having fun... UNLIKE schoolbooks.) Bye Bye. Have a nice afternoon or morning or night or whatever time it is.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Game controllers

A long time ago, I showed you that game pad on the left of the photo. Later, I was using it for a game when my character automatically moved without pushing the joystick forward. I tried it with another game and the same thing happened. The controller was defective.
Later that night, my big sister went to the store to look for bikes. She bought me that bottom controller for a present. As you can see, (If you know much about video game consoles) the one at the bottom is a PlayStation2 controller. If you know anything about PlayStation's, you know that they don't use USB, so they don't plug into computers. So instead of returning it, I'm going to save it for when I go to my cousins house to give it to him for a present because he happens to need a second controller for his PlayStation2. Two days ago, my sister was getting her haircut. I had to come so we went to Radioshack and bought the controller to the right of the picture. We installed the software with that teeny CD and it worked fine and we all lived happily ever after.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Shed

This is our shed.... You can't really explain it if you don't know what it looks like inside so I'll just explain it the best I can. (Prepare to fall asleep.) A long time ago, when only my big sister and I existed, the shed was our favorite place. (No, not IN the shed.) We liked it because it had (And still has) about five or more huge boxes of toys. Every month, my mom would give us a new box of toys and put the old one back in the shed... now, nobody dares to get another one. Now my siblings make messes in the house every day and we don't go into the shed because it's even messier in there. We don't keep toys only in the shed. We keep our old couches, chairs, lawnmowers, bows and arrows, skateboards, snowboards and skis that my dad was supposed to sell, exercising machines and about a million other stuff. Every square-inch of the floor... wait, I take it back. Every square MILLIMETER is filled, and you have to step over stuff to get things. There aren't any lights either. I used to joke with my friends about how you could find the Titanic in there. Unfortunately, I lost all contact with my best friends after I got back from Africa. :-( If there is anywhere that's messy on our property, it's the shed. The end. I knew you would fall asleep. I'm a mind reader.

Monday, December 10, 2007

The Dreaded Piano

This is a picture of our boring\kind of fun when you want to play it electric piano. It's boring when you have to do it for schoolwork but it's fun when you get to do it whenever you want. My dad makes us do half an hour of piano a day. (A whole entire half-hour!) Right now I'm learning how to play a song called "Chocolate rain". I've learned all the keys for my right hand but I'm having trouble with my left hand because the youtube video (My only resource) didn't show how to do the left hand clearly. Now, I have a whole bunch of books that teach how to read sheet music which is extremely hard when it could be a lot easier. So far, all the songs I've learned are: Happy Birthday To You, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and the right hand part of Chocolate Rain. My sister is playing the flute instead, and instead of learning songs, she's learning the scales... and she's a master at reading sheet music. Since we usually wake up late for homeschooling, we don't finish it until about 7 or 8 O'clock. That's about the only reason I don't like piano... Otherwise, I like it.

Friday, December 7, 2007

8 Wheeled RC Car

Yesterday, I was shopping in the mall with my grandpa, my older sister, and my mom. We passed a place where they were selling remote control cars and soon after he bought me one.

Most remote control cars only actions are: Forward, turn right, turn left, backward, and turn right and left while going backward. This car can do the same things but it can do a lot of other things too. It can spin around rapidly spin on it's side, get up from it's side, and flip over onto another set of wheels... and it lights up.

The controller is complicated to use. Usually, one of the stick things goes up and down and the other goes left and right. On this one, both go up and down and each only operates one side. The two buttons at the top make the car go backwards even though you can go backwards by putting each of the stick things down. You go forward by pushing both the sticks forward and to go backward, you do the opposite. To turn, you push only one forward and to spin around, you put one forward and one backward. To flip onto another side while you're going forward, you press the two buttons on the top as you're going forward. If your going forward and you suddenly go backward, the car will keep flipping over onto another side until you run out of area or if you stop. It can get up from any side it's knocked over on and it can also spin around like a tornado on it's side. The only trick that I need to learn now, is how to put it on it's side.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Our padio

This is a picture of our patio. (A.K.A. The place where we keep all of our bikes and stuff.) When I was little, (About 5 years old) there was nothing here and my big sister and I would swing on the swings. But now, since my other siblings came and they got bikes too.... and my dad bought that huge lawnmower.... the whole patio got ruined! I will tell you the story of most of the things here. First of all, you only see two bikes and not five, because when we came back from Africa, all of our bikes were gone except for the red one you see. The green one is a whole other story. A long time ago, my big sister got a new bike because she was growing too big for her other one. Her old bike got passed down to one of my younger sisters. A few days later, my big sisters bike got stolen. She got a new one. This was about the time when we were going to Africa so when we were there, the person watching our house while we were gone accidentally broke it. He paid my dad back when we came back and my sister bought this green one. Since we have about 3/4 of an acre, and we had a small lawnmower, my dad bought that big one. Now it's crowding up the space to practice skateboarding. The table in here came from our dining room. The table was getting to small so we changed it with a bigger one. Now my dad keeps a whole bunch of stuff on it. The go-kart came from someones house and eventually, it got broken. Now we can't find any other place to put it. We built that green bike thing and now I don't want to use it. Those are most of the things on our patio. But this is nothing compared to our shed........

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Klutz books

This is a picture of a Klutz book. Klutz is a company that makes books that teach you how to do a certain thing. This one teaches how to tie the 24 most useful knots. Each Klutz book also comes with something for you to practice with. This book comes with a red string and a blue one.

Other Klutz books that I have are: The Klutz book of juggling that comes with three juggling balls. The Klutz book of Lego's that comes with Instructions to make Lego contraptions and all the Lego's you need for it. The Klutz book of castles that comes with a whole bunch of cardboard pieces with slits in them that you can link together to make cool castles. The Klutz book of solar panels that comes with two billion pieces including a solar panel to make a car running on sunlight. And those are all of the books that I remember. Most of them are lost by now and I've been looking for their pieces forever. But at least the most boring ones are still here. :(

Monday, December 3, 2007

Slot Car Tracks

Some kids like those Hotwheel tracks that you put a car on top of and watch it go through the course. I'm not one of those kind of kids. I run on electronics and things that you control yourself. No wonder I don't like television a lot. Television is like watching your Hotwheels car run through the course and crash because you weren't there to stop it. That's why I play with Slot car tracks instead.... even though you only control the speed of the car. But it's better than nothing.

Slot car tracks are plastic tracks that you put a certain car on and control it's speed through the track. The bottom car in the picture is the top view of the slot car. It has an electric motor on it, spinning the back wheels, pushing the car forward. The one above that one is the bottom view of it. The two metal bronze-colored things touch metal lines across the track that carry electric currents. The small thing sticking out in between the metal things fits into the slot in between the two metal lines so that the car stays on course. The two things above that are just tops that you can put on top of the cars so that they look like real cars. The gun shaped thing above those is something that controls the speed of the car. The more you pull the trigger, the faster the car goes.

The tracks all link together in a way that the metal lines all touch each other. This is how the electric current moves around the track. The electricity comes from a certain straight track that two controllers plug into. A power box that plugs into an outlet also plugs into that track.
At first, I thought you could speed the car through the course as fast as possible. I was wrong. I figured out that if you make a turn going really fast, the car will fly off the track across the room. That's why the car is hard to control. You have to go as fast as possible on the straight track but slow down at the exact right speed when you get to a turn. I've also learned that if you go 50 or so laps around the track, when you touch your car, it'll burn you.

There are different kinds of track pieces too. There's a lap counter... Whenever the car passes through, it goes up one lap. Upside down pieces, ramps, and about a million different turn angles. The sponge I have in the box with all my tracks is for cleaning the rust and stuff off the track. If you go without doing that, eventually, the cars won't go. That's about everything I can explain about the car tracks. Bye bye.

Friday, November 30, 2007


This is a picture that I took from a virtual world called Runescape. I'll start by telling you what a virtual world is. A virtual world is where you get to customize your own person called an avatar. There's nothing specific you have to do in a virtual world. It's just basically another life where you choose what you do just like in this life. The last important thing about them is people all over the world with Internet access can get on them. This means you can talk to one of your friends if they have an account and they're playing at the same time as you.
Runescape is a game where you get to design a person from the middle ages. You get to go around the Runescape world doing whatever you want. There are quests that you can do in it. For example, there's a quest called Dragon Slayer. If you want to get a certain strong type of armor for your avatar, you can do this quest so that you are able to buy the armor and wear it. There are people called members. If you pay $5 a month than you can become one. Even though non-members (most people) have plenty of things to do in Runescape, a member can access different places in the Runescape world. They also have over 100 more quests that they're able to finish and thousands of more items that they're able to buy. You also have levels in Runescape. Your combat level is how strong you are. You can get this higher by fighting a lot. They also have lots of other levels like woodcutting (this is what I'm practicing in the picture) If you get your woodcutting level to certain points, you can use better axes and chop down better trees. There are a lot more things that I can talk about about Runescape but I've explained enough. Other virtual worlds are: Club penguin, There, and Second life. None of them are the same. I'm finished describing everything now.
The End

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Windows Movie Maker

This is a program on our computer called Windows movie maker. All it is is a program that takes videos and pictures and puts them together to make a movie. I edited my first stop motion video and put it on You tube. It's not really my first... It's just the first one that I put on the Internet and added titles and credits.... They weren't really credits either. They said: pictures taken by: me myself and I. Movie edited by: me myself and I. Lego's owned by: me myself and I. Everything else you need to know done by: ME MYSELF AND I. After that, I saved it onto my You tube account and named it something like: Crazy Lego pirate.
I only know a few things about Windows movie maker, so I'm trying to learn the rest. After I master stop-motion on this, I'm going to start making videos with lightsaber effects in it like I showed you in one of my posts. But this program doesn't do certain things that I want it to. Like split a non-stop motion video into clips so that I can edit those. But there are two programs that I want to get called: Stop-motion pro and Ulead video studio 11 plus. The next video that I'll probably make today will be putting most of my short stop motions together to make one movie.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Our Destroyed Trampoline

This is a picture of the trampoline that my sister and I got like five years ago. I will start the story now. Five years ago or about five years ago, my big sister and I (we were the only ones born) wanted a trampoline. My dad took us to Sam's Club (that is a store, not a club owned by someone named Sam) and we used our money that we got yearly to buy a trampoline. We constructed it, and soon we had it built. Take away 5 years from this (no nets falling down or leaves all over it.) and you've got what we had. A few years later, all the kids were born and it looked like this. We've tried to fix the net two thousand times but it hasn't worked. Same thing happened with the leaves. Like I said before, "this is basically what happens to cool toys that come to this house.

Our New Stairs

I know this picture isn't very good, so if you can't see it, this is a picture of our new stairs. One day, my dad met a man and he asked if my dad had any work for him to do. My dad said yes, because he did, and he gave the other guy $10 an hour to split our wood. The man was also good with tools and stuff like that, so he also asked if he could fix the stairs because: The stairs had carpet on them like our floor and it gets dirty if someone spills on it. It also had a broken hand railing because we (meaning the kids) used to ride down it and stuff.

The guy ripped out the carpet and took down the railing and wood steps until there was nothing left but those three wooden zigzag things that the stairs lay on top of. Then we went to Lowes (the store) and bought three types of steps. We chose which one was the best, returned the other two and bought five more of the other kind. After that, we bought the last pieces that we needed and cut them with our neighbors power saw or whatever it's called and fitted them into place on the stairs. That night, the man left, but on thanksgiving, my dads friend did the rest. But my dad told everyone not to use the stairs yet because there's something else we need to do before we can walk on them.

That's the story of our steps.

messing with lightsabers

Yesterday afternoon, my little brother and I were digging around the junk in my dads shed. A few minutes later, my little brother said "cool!!!." He said "I found a lightsaber!!" Then I told him " it's not real" and somehow, he turned it on. We brought it into the house and I took a picture of him holding it.

OK, all of that was a lie. Here's what really happened: It was time for break time for my sister and I, so I went to youtube.com. I found this tutorial on how to use a program called Gimp2 that my sister happened to have for taking pictures and making them look like someone is holding a lightsaber.

I took a picture of my brother holding a broom handle. (if you look closely at his hands, you can see the wooden part of the broom.) I put it on Gimp2 (which is actually a free paint program on the computer.) and added the effects to make it look like the broom handle is a lightsaber. I made about 2 billion pictures with these kind of effects including one of me stabbing a barbie with my lightsaber. I'm trying to figure out how I can use these effects in a movie now.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

My Brothers Pirate Ship

This is nothing but another big toy that came to our house three days ago. If you can't see it clearly, (Which you probably can) it's a pirate ship. It's also my little brothers who likes big toys with ugly toy people. He got it when my mom took him and my two little sisters down to South Carolina because someone we know was in a bad car accident. He also went shopping when he was there and everyone got their own toy. One of my sisters said that my brother was about to get this remote control robot but he was told that it was too expensive. When he came back here, he told us that he got a pirate ship. Of course, I was playing a computer game and when I turned around, he was holding this huge box with the toy inside. So everyone had very little trouble opening it and it is now his favorite toy. I will give you some details about the pirate ship. First of all, it comes with two ugly guys (see the right of the picture) and some clothes (in between them) so that you can hide their ugliness. It also comes with two blue flags and a pirate flag that you can stick in various places on the ship. It comes with three cannons that shoot red cannonball things. Three golden shield thingies that you can use to decorate different parts of the ship. Finally, it comes with two swords and a treasure chest. The ship itself features: a place at the bottom of the ship where you can store the cannons and a lever that moves them towards those red flaps on the side of the ship. It has billions of places to put the peoples feet, sometimes activating things: There are two places that if you put the people there and twist them, the sails go down. Another one, if you put a person on it and twist them, the anchor falls down and the last one is if you twist the person on it, the plank moves out. The last features of the ship are places on the top, back and front where you can put the flags and places on the sides where you can put the circular decoration things. I've described it the best that I could and like I said in my remote control airplane post, "This is basically what happens to cool toys that come to our house" It's probably going to happen with this too even though it isn't a cool toy.

Monday, November 19, 2007

The Dangerous Book For Boys

This is a picture of a book that i got a few months ago called the Dangerous book for boys. It's a book with all kinds of activities and things for boys and boys only. It shows how to make a bow and arrows and the five knots that every boy should know. It shows about a billion other things to including advice and everything else that I forgot to mention. My sister has a book from the same author called The daring book for girls, but she wouldn't allow me to pose her book next to mine. Hers is not for boys and boys only but vice-versa obviously, and it shows things like how to make ugly hairdos and how to do cartwheels.
This book was introduced (Notice I didn't say shown or given) to me in Africa. My dad came and he told me that when he was at the airport he saw a cool book called blah blah blah and it's about blah blah blah and I already told you everything so I'm gonna stop the conversation now. So when we finally were coming back to America, the first thing my sister wanted to do was get the "Latest and greatest" Harry Potter book. So I said something like "If she can get a book that expensive why can't I?" So my dad told me that I should look for the Dangerous book for boys so I did. What your thinking now is "So you went and found the book and lived happily ever after." But you're wrong. The bookstore owner said that the book was all out so I had to get a different book.
Two or three or four of five or... or.... or..... months later my mom gave us each an "Ology" book. My little sister got Mythology, My big one got Pirateology and etc... etc... Mine was Wizardology but I didn't find it fascinating for many reasons. About two or three or four or five or... or ... or.... Oh forget it. A few days later my mom got me this book (See the title if you haven't already) because I didn't like the Ology one. Then yesterday my older sister bought the Daring book for girls. Then it was Monday again and I had to do my schoolwork then I had to write this post which I'm finished with. Then it's gonna be the future and whatever happens in the future will happen and the rest is hard to explain.

Friday, November 16, 2007

My Game Controller

This is the PC-compatible game controller I got about a week ago. This controller has a USB plug, so I can put it into any computer. I find it a lot easier to use than a keyboard, but for some reason, I want to use a joystick more. Too bad. This works with my game Lego Star Wars 2. I don't know what happens when I try to play Star Wars Battlefront 2 though. Since you use the mouse to change the view in it, you can't really use the game pad. Anyway, the game pad only works until you start or load a game, then I have to use the mouse. I like to use this more than the keyboard and mouse because I can move it wherever I want to without having to change the position of my hands. But I mostly just like the arrangement of the keys and how my hands fit over it. This is one of the reasons why I want an Xbox instead of using the computer. Or maybe a PS3 or something.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Calvin and Hobbes

These are our Calvin and Hobbes comics. They're the coolest comics ever! I don't know how I got into them. But still! This is the whole collection of them that we got one or two years ago but we still have the old ones that we used to read. They were comic books about a third as thick as each of these and had a collection of certain comic strips in them. In this one though, it shows the dates of all the strips and shows the history of Bill Watterson (the creator of the comic) and the creation of the strip. The comic strips are all about this one boy named Calvin who is really bad and his stuffed tiger named Hobbes who is his imaginary friend. He has a whole bunch of "adventures" in his life. An example of one of the comic strips is: Calvin was hammering nails into the coffee table, his mom came in and said: "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Calvin looked at the hammer and said: "Is this a trick question?" Everyone in my family loves this comic and most of my friends like it too. Personally, I think it's the best comic strip ever.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The broken remote control airplanes

This is a picture of one of our remote control airplanes. If you haven't noticed already, the two wings on the back that are supposed to be pointed up, are broken. One of the propellers is broken too. This is the story. When my family and I were in Africa, (my dad was still in America.) My uncle sent two RC airplanes to our house here in America. My dad was supposed to bring one to us when he came to Africa, but he didn't. So we came back about 3 months later and The morning after we came back, I found two airplanes in boxes. one was this one, and one was a bi-plane. After I asked permission, my dad said I can open one. So I opened this one because I thought it looked cooler, and I charged it. (These planes don't have wheels so you have to throw them so that they take off.) After many attempts, I got it in the air for two whole seconds. (That's a lot for this airplane.) It was really hard because we don't have big open spaces here and it kept crashing into trees. I figured out that the other one was easier. Since it was a bi-plane, it could make sharper turns. Whenever the bi-plane crashed into something, I could keep it in the air. My top time for the bi-plane was probably at least 1 minute. After about a month, it was time to clean the house. I put the two planes and their controllers on one of our shelves. Someone was stupid enough to put a box full of things on top of that. The bi-planes wings got squashed and practically everything else too. This ones wings got broken along with the propeller.(as I told you before.) The bi-plane eventually got lost and I never heard of it again. This is basically what happens to cool toys that come to this house. The end.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Coolest Video Game Ever

This is a picture of Star Wars Battlefront 2 A.K.A. the coolest game ever. I got it because I went to my friends house in Washington DC a few months ago and played this game. I thought it was really cool. So two days ago I bought this for PC. It was hidden from all the other games because for some reason, people don't like to put PC games with console games. When I opened it, I figured out why video game boxes are so thick. IT NEEDED FIVE DISKS JUST TO INSTALL IT! So I went home and installed it, which was annoying because it kept saying: please put in disk four so that we can install blah, blah, blah. After that, I started "Testing" it which means playing it until you get used to the controls. This was really hard because have to use THE MOUSE of all things to change the view. I've been trying to figure out how I can use my computer compatible gamepad to play. It works up until you start playing the game. This means I have to keep getting used to the controls because I'm to lazy to get used to them. I wish I could just change from using the mouse to using the gamepad. :(

Friday, November 9, 2007

My Awesome Lego Sets

This is a picture of two of my Star Wars Lego sets. One is called General Grievous Starfighter and the other one is called Naboo Starfighter and Vulture Droid. As you can see they come with three Starfighters (well one's not really a Starfighter.) and four Lego dudes. (One's not really a Lego dude) My favorite one is the Naboo Starfighter so I'll start with that. When I went to Africa I got two Lego sets. One was an awesome Star Wars one and the other was some other 10 buck Lego set both of them were worth about 30 bucks together. As I predicted while I was there, the kids there lost all the pieces for both of the sets. So my Mom promised me another Lego set worth $30 when we came back to America. I chose the Naboo Starfighter. It came with little Anikin, a Naboo Starfighter pilot, R2D2, a Vulture droid and finally, the Naboo Starfighter. It's the biggest Lego set that I've ever owned. Its features are: A shooting torpedo on the Starfighter, movable legs on the Vulture droid and a non opening cockpit which is lame because you have to take the cokpit window off if you want to put someone in. If your wondering what this comes from, it's in Star Wars episode one. Now for General Grievous. This set features a cockpit that slides open UNLIKE the Naboo Starfighter. General Grievous features 4 lightsabers, 4 arms, un-movable legs, a blaster and no cape which I don't understand because every other General Grievous set has a cape for him AND silver lightsaber hilts. This one though, has grey lightsaber hilts. I understand now, if the Lego set has an opening cockpit the company PURPOSELY doesn't put rockets that actually shoot. If the Lego set has a rocket launcher then the company PURPOSELY doesn't have an opening cockpit. I'm starting to realize that the old Star Wars Lego sets were a lot better. But I'm plenty happy with these. I'll probobly modify them anyway.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

The Sidewinder

This is a joystick as you can see. And it's the coolest one I've ever seen because this is the only game controller I have except for the keyboard. (I don't have any consoles.) A long time ago in a galaxy not very far away, I was looking in my junk closet (None of the stuff in it was my stuff and I was curious.) and I found an old, unopened paintball gun and I found a big huge box with the picture of a joystick on it. So I bring it down to my Dad and ask him if I can open it because I realized all the stuff in the closet was his anyway. He said yes and I asked him why in the world would he own a joystick and he said because he got this simulation game thing called Flight simulator. So I went and looked back in my room and eventually, I found the game and I brought it downstairs to him. Then I found out that the joystick came with a game called Mechwarriors. So I installed Flight simulator, Mechwarriors and the Sidewinder joystick immidiately and learned how to really fly and airplane with the joystick which was really exiting but I don't know about Mechwarriors. Your a dude in a big robot called a Mechwarrior with guns and rockets and stuff and you have to kill the other Mechwarriors. About a month later, my mom was getting a whole bunch of educational disks before we went to Africa. One of them happened to be a game called Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX. It was this game where you could be a famous trick biker and you try to get as many points as possible by driving the bike. A few days after I installed it I realized that you could drive the bike with the joystick instead of the keyboard. Months later it was time to go to Africa so we left (Without the joystick or the games) for a year and when we came back the computer (THE JOYSTICK COMPUTER!) didn't work because it was old so I tried installing the joystick in other computers but only my Mom's had the right plug because they don't put the kind of plug in computers anymore. So I tried installing it and it didn't work. No point of the Sidewinder any more. I tried installing the trick bike game no point of my favorite game any more. The only game that worked was Mechwarriors. I'm not installing Flight simulator on the computer because there isn't any point of it without the joystick because it's got like fifty keys on the keyboard that I don't understand. This ends the sad sad story of my joystick. :(

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Genesis 3D

Sorry this isn't a good picture but I didn't have a stand for the camera or a camera for the computer. Well, this is the game designing download. It's called Genesis 3D. I haven't learned how to use all the tools yet but I know most of them. Basically all this is right now is a rectangular prism with no textures. The three blue boxes represent each of the sides of the box. The one next to the black square is the shape of the top and the bottom of it. The one below the black square is the front and back of it (what you're facing and the wall behind that) and the last square is the other two sides. Now you're wondering what the black square is. all it is is the cube but right now it's just focused on one side. If you change the view you can see that it's a room and not a square. Right now, since it doesn't have any textures, the walls are black. You can add different textures but I don't know if you can add your own. So far I only know how to make a cool room and how to put two rooms together and how to put an already programed game into your room. The game I want to make is with Lego people. I want to use another program to make a virtual image of Lego people and put them into this program using bluetooth or something. But I also need to learn how to add my own textures with this so that I can take a picture of a big Lego wall and put it on here for a texture. I'm going to try to learn the rest of the tutorial asap so that I can try to do this. The website for the tutorial and the download is: http://www.stormthecastle.com/mainpages/videogametutorial/tutorial_videogame2.htm
PS:there is an underscore between tutorial and videogame2, not a space.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Lego minifigs also known (from me) as Lego dudes

As you read in the title, this post is about Lego dudes. This is the box that I put the pieces for my Lego people in which is about an 100th of all my Lego stuff. (honest) Well anyway, the pieces weren't sorted out like they are now when I took the picture so I'll try to give a writers image about it when its sorted. (this won't be good) The middle space in the box shaped like a circle a.k.a. the smallest space about three inches on each side, not very full....(very descriptive huh?).... is where I put the headgear for the Lego dudes meaning hair, hats, helmets you get the point. Okay, one of the spaces that are around the circle space is where I put the legs for the Lego dudes, one is to put their heads in, one is to put their bodies, arms and hands in (since they weren't connected like they're supposed to be.) One is to put the stuff they can hold like shields, bows, crossbows, swords, bazookas, pistols and stuff like that. One is to put stuff they can wear on their bodies like oxygen tanks, life vests and knights armor. The last and final one is where I put extra stuff that might come in handy like skis and that pizza that the chef is holding if you look close enough. This box is very useful because if I'm building a big model and I need Lego people for it, then I don't need to look for two hours (like I did when I was 8 years old and I built a ship) and only find about 5 people. But I don't like this case (and this is why the pieces are all mixed up) because the lid doesn't slant down like the walls separating the spaces do so if you turn it upside down or on it's side, all the pieces will go to another space because there's an empty space letting them get access to all the other spaces. Okay, I wasted all my energy trying to explain this to you. Now let me get back to making my video game (tomorrows issue).

Thursday, November 1, 2007

My remote control car

This is my remote control car and its controller that I got a couple of weeks ago for a holiday. I originally wanted a smaller off road type of car but I like this one better. The only reasons I don't like this one is because it can only be driven on flat and hard surfaces and you need to charge the batteries for at least four hours which gives you half an hour of playtime. But this car is cool because It has lights in the front and in the back so you can drive it when it's really dark and that's about the only reason. The other car is $10 less but is a third as big as this and it doesn't have lights. But the reason I wanted it is because it can go off road and if you get the right add-on parts to it, it can go over 200 mph. (Remote control car mph not real mph.) But that's if you get the right gear which is about $20 more. I kept the box to this car because my mom told me if I don't like this car I can trade it in but I don't know whether to keep it or not.

Friday, October 26, 2007

The bird sculpture in our house

This is another sculpture in our house. Unfortunately we didn't get this one from Africa. In fact, I don't even remember where we got this. Maybe It was already at our house when we bought it and maybe we had it since I was born. Who knows. I think it's cool because of how whoever made the sculpture balanced the birds. But the birds are all dusty and there's a cobweb at the top of the sculpture. I just realized that all the birds were made exactly the same shape so I don't know if it was made by a machine or not. The only history of it that I know of it is that it's been sitting in our house for as long as I remember.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Monkey sculptures

These are some smaller sculptures that we got from Africa. I call them monkey sculptures. We got them from a place called Gory island. It used to be where people kept slaves but now it's a tourist area. There were a whole bunch of people selling things. (My dad got his first Thinking man there.) I think there was this guy that sold these to us. (I forgot a lot of things.) The guy told us that the one on the left represents "don't see evil" The one in the middle means "don't hear evil" and finally the one on the right means "don't talk evil" Now we just keep them on the ledge above our fireplace where we keep our D.V.D.s. That's all I remember about the monkey dudes.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The thinking men

These are some of the sculptures my dad got from Africa. He calls them "the thinking men" because they look like they're thinking. Most of the sculptures that he got look like these. According to what I've seen we have at least 10. My dad is obsessed with these and he gets them every time he goes to Africa. (Which was only twice.) When I wrote my paragraph on "The toy area", some of these were on the table in the back in the picture. I think the sculptures are strange because they have no features and I cant even tell what that dude on the left is holding. I think they look like they're waiting tho go to the bathroom or something rather than thinking.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Our game shelf

This is our game shelf. It's in the toy area at the fifth shelf. We put our puzzles here too.. which I hate. A lot of these games we just got. They are sorry, Star Wars monopoly, don't break the ice and cootie. The only games that I'm interested in in this selection are scrabble, mouse trap, (If it wasn't missing all the important pieces.) Star Wars monopoly sorry and Life. As you can see I don't like many of the old games and I don't like puzzles which I already told you. Everyone In my family but me likes puzzles and my dad and my big sister are masters at it. I don't like don't break the ice and cootie because they are kid games. Disney monopoly is dumb because all Disney is is princesses and evil bad guys trying to take them and stupid stuff like that. Regular monopoly is boring because I don't see the point of that. And finally, Kim possible is just a stupid cartoon that doesn't deserve a game. So now you understand why I only like certain games and the other ones should just go out of business. I get really bored because no one is ever free to play these with me so I guess I'll just stick with Lego.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Lego guns

For the past few days I've been trying to build a Lego gun. All of my attempts were unsuccessful. Including this one. I've been looking on youtube.com for ideas to build one but the ones that they put on there usually only shoot a few feet. This one is an electric one because I don't like those ones that you have to cock back every time you want to shoot. The yellow/ grey thing in the back is the source of it. It's supposed to be used for making and programing robots but you can still use it for things like this. I programmed it so that when the touch sensor at the bottom is touched that the electric motor that the wire is attached to will spin. Since the motor spins way to fast and isn't very powerful I attached a worm gear (a gear shaped like a spiral meant for making gears have a stronger force but also a lot slower.) to the motor which turns that big gear. And the big gear drives another big gear below it which holds rubber bands between the notches. When each rubber band comes past the top of the gear it is supposed to fling forward. But instead all the rubber bands fling forward at the same time. I haven't figured out why so I'm going to make the same gun but the gear is going to be driven from the side and not by another gear.

Friday, October 19, 2007


This is a pop-up page from my little five year old brothers book he got yesterday. When he got home from school we told him to look in his bed. so he did and he found this book. He said: "Hey... I gotta dinosaur book!!!" (By the way- he cant read so he just flipped through the pages) When he got to this page and the t-Rex popped up he said:"Woooooooooow... a dinosaur!!!" As you can see he gets exited quite a lot. So then he said " I wanna be a dinosaur" And I said "Well if you drink a nasty medicine you can be one". So he finished "reading" the book. Then it was time for us to pray. So we went downstairs and he told everybody "Hey! Moby's gonna give me a nasty medicine and I'm gonna be a dinosaur!!" Then at night, when we were eating dinner since he never eats his food my mom said if he eats all his food he'll be a dinosaur. Then he started chasing us around and we pretended he was a dinosaur. My mom said he wasn't a dinosaur any more so we sat down and my mom also told him that he had to wait 'till tomorrow to become a dinosaur again. And he said:"Yeah! and when i be a dinosaur tomorrow I can't use the door and I'm gonna eat every body" And I said "Well then I'll be one too and eat you." and he said "no... cuz you need green eyes to be one" Then my sister got involved. She said "you don't even have green eyes. Yours are brown." Then my brother went on. "And if I'm a dinosaur I don't have to stop at the red light" And I'm like "huh?" Then my sister got involved again and remembered that he just learned about traffic lights and he always said "STOP! it's a red light!" when we were about to cross the street or something like that. Anyway- she said "he means the traffic light and I say "oh" And no matter what my brother will always be crazy.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Lego Star Wars

These are the games Lego Star Wars 1 and 2. One is the first three episodes and one is the last three episodes. We got the first one because we spent two nights at our friends house and they had an Xbox 360 which we played on every day and they had Lego Star Wars 1 and I liked it a lot. They told me that there was a version for PC (since I don't have a console) so soon after we bought that for 20 bucks which I think is too much for a game and a few days ago we got Lego Star Wars 2. We figured that the 2nd one had better graphics and more things to do and more levels and... and... and... Well you get the point. But when we figured out the new one called the
Saga (which had more levels and a lot more features) came out on everything BUT PC we got disappointed- even though it was 40 bucks.. Twice the amount of regular video games.

Friday, October 12, 2007

"arts and crafts"

This is one of the strange arts that my brother made in his kindergarten class. I dont know why it looks so ugly but my sister claims that his teacher cut out the shapes for him. As you can see theres a backwards y.v.b on the "shirt". This he got from africa when he saw every thing with y.v.b. on it. He soon learned these were his initials but he couldnt quite get the y and the b right. In school he memorized the "Three little pigs" in his own way. but the day after he got a paper bag puppet of a pig and he lost it and he refuses to say the story unless he finds his puppet. I like how my brother made the arms. The teeny hands and the arms are twice as big.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Harry potter

These are my sisters harry potter books. Not mine. I read the first chapter of the second book before and it wasn't interesting. My sister, however IS interested in them. One time my dad told her to read the first page of the first book and she ended up reading the whole book. From then on whenever another book came out, it was her first priority to buy it. No matter the price. Now she's read every book cover to cover more than five times. I don't see why she likes harry potter though. I guess it's fair. I like Star wars, she likes harry potter. Whenever we watch a movie she keeps talking about how they skipped a lot of chapters and we can't enjoy the movie. The good part is when she's reading she doesn't bother me.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The new improved toy area

This is a picture of our "improved" toy area from now on known as the classroom.This is also where we're going to put my Mom's and Dads computer. Last time I showed you a picture of the toy area all messy but now it got cleaned up so that my sister and I can have a place to work... Even though we already had a place to work. Now my little brother found all the old toys and he plans to play with them when he gets home from school today. Now I'm afraid that we'll have to work hours and hours and hours and hours longer because this is now our official learning space and that can mean a lot. I'm just hoping that no more books arrive in the mail because we've already got to many books.... and I'm already way too tired to do any more work.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

My sister's basketball hoop

This is a picture of my sisters basketball hoop. She likes basketball a lot so last month she decided to get her own basketball and hoop. She bought the hoop for $100 and the basketball for $20. Now she practices every day but she wont let anyone use her ball... Even when she's not using it. That means we have to use the old ball and we never compete. Also, when we were building the hoop she only let me do the hard stuff and wouldn't let me do any fun things. Now when we practice, I don't try to shoot. I was never good at that. Instead I practice dribbling on a tile in the grass so I can practice my aim for when I play basketball to trick people more.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Water guns

These are my $130 worth of water guns. But it's weird that we only bought them for $57.50. The red ones we bought for full price: $10 each. The
white ones we bought at half price:$10 because it just happened to be time for clearance at Wall mart.The blue water gun came with a backpack for 7 dollars. It was worth 30 dollars. And the four other backpacks we got for $2.50 each, they're worth $10 each. We haven't had a real water gun fight with the blue one yet because its new. We had a two person battle with it but that doesn't count in my opinion. One of the red ones doesn't work well, I have no idea what happened to it. The two white ones work fine but we've never actually put ice in them like your supposed to. I'm planning on having a water gun fight on the weekend with them.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Our computers

This is a picture of two of our computers. We also have four more, but two of those don't work. The one on the left is my dads computer and the one on the right is my moms. But my moms computer is slow. We also have one downstairs but that wont even start up properly. We have my dads old laptop, the kids laptop and my moms laptop. The only reason I use the computers is because I have to do my blog, play Runescape play Lego star wars, play other games on the Internet and read BBC.

Friday, September 28, 2007

The library

This is the place where we keep our books. We call it the library. This isn't even half of the books we have either. And I dont even think all of them have been read yet. This is also where we pray and use our laptops. I dont read much of these because none of them are interesting. I like to read books that teach you things like how to draw and stuff like that. But we dont have any books like that so I get really bored when I have nothing to do.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

My first whiteboard stop animation

This is a clip of my first, not very successful whiteboard animation. Now I know why I liked Lego stop animation better. #1.Because you can take Lego anywhere and get the right lighting whereas my pics get all dark in this kind of stop animation. #2.Because where ever one part goes in Lego models, everything connected has to go too, but in this one, I kept forgetting to move the body when the legs moved, so when it was supposed to look like a guy walking, it looked like a guy doing some kind of dance. #3.I don't have a stand for the camera so It's hard to keep the camera in place. You see? My first LEGO stop animation film went perfect but this went the opposite direction.

My fat cat

This is my lazy, fat cat named Sam also known as Sammy. He always sleeps in some crazy position like this. He gets almost everything he wants. He meows so loud that every one wakes up just to let him in the house, out of the house, or to give him food. he is very very very very fat. He's smart too. When we came from Africa, he came to us one by one for us to pet him. He's also mean. Sometimes he wants to lie down on your lap. But if you read a book or something he'll scratch you because he wants attention.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The Lego star destroyer

This is a picture of a Lego set from my Lego magazine that my sister is crazy about. My mom told me that I can get a big Lego set if I paid for half of it. My sister keeps telling me to get this $100 set. But I don't like it as much as the $50 dollar one I want to buy. Yet she still bothers me about it. Even though this has more pieces and is more fun to build, I want to buy the other Lego set for making a stop animation movie I've been waiting to make.

School books

This is where my mom puts all the schoolbooks we need. Almost two times in every week, a package comes just for school! I feel like were due to be tortured in a few days, and if not, were going to get more books to get tortured with. these books have every subject you need to live or that doesn't let you live. How tiring work can be.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Our "Toy area"

This is the part of our house we call the Toy area. But not even half of it is toys. We have books in the corner, my Dads rowing machine on the right side, suitcases from Africa scattered everywhere, boxes full of clothes and other things and the table is full with artifacts from Africa. Of course, there's toys all over the floor. I'd be surprised if this place ever gets cleaned up. The day I get told to clean up around here I'm going to faint. This place is even messier than my room!

Monday, September 24, 2007


This is a picture of a 3-dimensional maze called the Superplexus. It is a rare toy that isn't made any more. But my Dad found two at the Salvation Army store. We left one in Africa and kept one for when we came back. You are supposed to move the ball around so that a small ball inside rolls through the maze and try to keep it on track but it's really hard. Now my sister and I compete to see how many times we can finish the thing. Ive given up because she's won over 10 times more than me.


This is one of the Lego Mindstorms robots I've built. I copied it from some instructions that came from an add on kit for the regular Mindstorms kit. It is made to clean things of tables without falling off. It doesn't fall off because of three sensors, one in the back and two on the front when I make all of the Mindstorms robots from the original kit and the add on one my dad said that I will be able to get the Mindstorms NXT set and build those robots.

Friday, September 21, 2007

My Lego bricks

These are some of the Lego bricks that I own. I use them for a lot of different things. A year ago I made a Lego ship that took me a few days to make.right now I make stop animation films and I'm trying to remake my old Star wars sets. (on the blue box lid.) I think that next I'm probably going to rebuild my international space station if I can find my instructions for it. A lot of times when I get a new Lego set the Instructions get ripped up or lost so I'm trying to find instructions on the computer for them.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Stop animation

This is a clip of one of my stop animation films that I make with Lego minifigs. I make them by setting up a camera on a stand made of Lego bricks. Next I take a picture of the people and I move them a little and take another picture of them. I keep doing that until I want to finish. Then, I can go through the pictures quickly and it makes a short video.

My evil sister N

Yesterday, I was playing/fighting over the swing in our front yard with my sister M when my sister N came out and tortured me. She spun me around real fast and a few minutes after I got off I felt really nauseous I was about to break my fast but I decided not to. I still feel like throwing up a little today.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

My First Blog Entry

This weekend was a very hard one. We were fasting so we couldn't eat or drink. My sister named M invited her friend named K, and my friend named A. They slept over and the next day M and K got to play in the sprinkler. A and I got jealous and went and tried to pretend to have fun on the trampoline to make them jealous. Eventually, A and I got tired... very tired. So we played Lego star wars the rest of the day.