Monday, March 1, 2010
Parkour iz 4 Ninjaz
I'd say the biggest thing about me that has changed since I stopped blogging is my interest in sports. I dislike certain most sports less, but I think most of them are overrated; especially football. Football is a variation of CAPTURE THE FLAG, but not the best. The best kind of capture the flag is the kind where you play with paintball guns. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaanyway, I wanted to talk about parkour and freerunning since I've been obsessed with them lately. Most people haven't heard of parkour before and slightly more have heard of freerunning, but still, not many. Those who know of both don't really know the difference. Parkour is French for simply 'the art of movement'. It was always there, but it was given its name and popularity by David Belle. Parkour and freerunning are types of urban gymnastics. If you see a grown man at a playground with no children, they're probably training since that's the best place. I would say the difference between the two is that parkour is the efficiency of movement and freerunning is the freedom of it. In parkour, you're normally trying to get from one point to another in a city as fast and in as straight a line as possible. This means climbing buildings, jumping from one to another, vaulting fences and all the other stuff our obese police officers hate. Freerunning uses most of the same moves, but you're not really trying to get anyware and it looks cooler because you do more flips. You don't really need flips in parkour, they're just to look better. I always liked challenging others to catch me, especially last year when me and ten others would play a game called infection, which I think is the same thing as manhunt. One person would start out as the infected and tag others. Everytime you get tagged, you're infected and it goes on until everyone is. We played it during HAC (our 'recess' at my school). You would usually start out hiding and once the infected found you, you'd run from them, jumping border fences and climbing baseball ones (Actually, only I climbed the baseball fence because I'm a ninja.). This year, I heard about parkour (I didn't even know it existed as a sport before then.). Someone asked my dad what sports I liked and he said parkour. I asked "What's parkour?" and he told me parkour was urban gymnastics. I searched it on the computer like I always do with new topics and learned the PK roll and tons of different vaults and wall runs and stuff like that. I might even end up putting some tutorials on here. The thing I hate about parkour is how it's not accepted unless you're in a gymnastics class (I wish I was in one.) or on your own property. My favorite place to practice is at schools because they always have those parallel railings that you can balance across and practice precision jumps on and do almost any kind of vault over. I also like playgrounds, but there're so many adults watching. At least every single kid wants to play tag and can never catch you. Adults... don't... understand... "Why don't you play any sports, son?" "I do, I'm a traceur." "What the hell is that, son?" "An urban gymnast." "Go play football you anti-social ************* *****-***". I don't actually thing adults would act like that, but they can still be annoying when you don't use society's accepted extracurricular activities. Thank you for reading.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
I used to dislike most music, but that's because I didn't listen to any of the music that I do listen to now. I don't like most music with any kind of vocals (Except A Cappella (here); A Capella is awesome.) I like some music with vocals though. I like it when the vocals make sense and I actually care about them. That rules out most love songs because they're either about being rejected or not liking the person you're in a relationship with and I don't care about either. I hate the songs where people scream because first of all it sounds bad, and second of all you can't understand a thing they're saying. I don't normally like rap because those songs are usually about sex, money, murder or some other thing that you shouldn't be singing about. Other times, they just put words that rhyme together that make no sense at all. I'm okay otherwise. The kind of music I do like is techno and trance music. My two favorite are this and this. I know a lot of people who hate techno, but I think that's because they've never actually listened to what I think of as real techno. Real techno for me is melodic, something that's not distracting if you're doing work, something that you can listen to over and over and not get tired of, something relaxing or exciting depending on the mood you're in and has several other qualities. Songs with vocals usually don't have those. Sometimes I'm listening to song's piano intro, and I'm thinking 'This is an awesome song!' and then the vocals have to come in and ruin the whole thing. But the real reason I brought all this up is because I wanted to tell anyone who's reading this that I made a song. It's simple, and it's my first. Sometimes, I'll think of a melody in my mind and hum it so I don't forget. When I get to the keyboard (electric piano, not the thing connected to your computer) and learn to play it on that. I finally found out how to put these onto the computer using audacity and that's what I did. The problem with coming up with these melodies is I always come up with them at the wrong times. I'll think of one in the middle of class or in the car on a road trip, never right by a piano. Anyway, this is the song I made. It could have been better, but that's how it turned out in the end.
Monday, February 22, 2010
I've Started Again!
Yes! The title tells you. I'm going to start blogging again. I have no idea how long it's been since my last real post, but this is my next. In such a long amount of time, my interests have changed. I still have a lot of the same though. I don't mess around with Legos a lot anymore; maybe occasionally, but not often. I've stopped playing RuneScape and am happy about it. Instead of using all these cheap programs like Scratch and Genesis3D to make video games, I'm learning to program using the programming language Python ( I've decided I want to be a video game designer or have some other programming job when I get older. I want to go to MIT even though that's setting my hopes really, really high. I finally started going to public school which is the main reason I stopped blogging. I used to blog as a homeschool assignment every day, now I want to do it as an activity. As a physical, outdoor activity, I've decided on parkour and freerunning which are both types of urban gymnastics. The only problem with them is the fact that they're not accepted widely like boring (to me) sports such as football. I want to get good grades in school so I can end up with a good job. The only bad grade I got in school was last year; I got a B in language arts. Otherwise, I'm doing good. I usually don't get lower than a 97% in any classes. The cool thing about school is you have friends you can see every day which is why I was really bored in my previous posts. No friends in homeschool... at least no face-to-face ones. I never know how to end these things... I'll just end how I used to: The End.
RUNESCAPE!!!!! pt 6
Today or my next post will probably be the last one on this subject... even though there are a million other things to talk about. So this one will be about the minigames. Last post, I talked about castle wars. I have an overview of it below the first four monsters. The little house next to it is the waiting room. As you can see, there's and island in the middle and two castles in the corners. So go to my last post if you want to read about that. The next minigame I'm going to talk about will be Barbarian Assault. There is a place on the RuneScape world map called the Barbarian outpost. This is one of the two places where barbarians live. (The other is the Barbarian village.) So it turns out that under the place, there are some monsters attacking the place.... I don't actually know the whole story... When you go underground, there are ten little spaces that you can go into. If you're just starting off, you can only go to the one with a big 1 on the floor. This is called wave 1. There is a table on the side of each room with lots of scrolls on it. You can pick one of these or wait for someone to come to you with a scroll instead. Every time you go into a battle in this game, you have five people. One's a healer, one's a defender, one's an attacker, one's a collector, and the last one is any of those depending on what the team wants. You can sign your scroll depending on your position and it will appear in the corner of the screen you go around finding others to be on your team and eventually all of them and their positions will be on the scroll and their names on the corner of the screen. Or someone can come to you and you sign your position on it. Once all your teammates are arranged, your captain (the first person to sign the scroll) goes down the ladder in the corner. You all appear in a big room. Each person has a ring around them telling their position. They also appear at the bottom of the screen showing how much health they have left. There are four levers at the side of the room for each person. When the defender pulls his lever, he gets food for the monsters, and a horn. When the healer pulls their lever, he gets poisoned food for the monsters, a horn, and a healing flask that they can fill on the other side of the room. The attacker gets runes and a horn and I don't know what the collector gets besides a horn. There are four types of beasts for each type of person. I don't know their names but there are pictures of them on the picture. The first one is the one for the defender. The healer right clicks on his horn and in the corner of his screen, it shows what type of food he needs to tell the defender to drop. When he calls that through his horn, the defender knows what food he needs to drop for about a minute and then the healer needs to tell him again. Once the defender knows what type of food he needs to drop, he drops it in front of the kind of monster I told you about before. If it's not the right food, the monster doesn't eat it. He keeps doing that to lure the monster until he lures it to one of the traps on the side of the room. Once it gets there, it dies and the trap breaks. The defender needs to fix the trap with materials provided in the room. He keeps doing this and the healer keeps telling him what to drop until he's killed all that type of monster. While he's killing the monsters, he has to tell the healer what type of poison food to poison the second type of monster with. The healer has extra jobs too. When the other players hitpoints get low, he has to use his healing vial on them before they die or else that game ends. The healer keeps trying to kill them until all of them are dead. It's the attackers job to kill the last two. The collector has to tell the attacker what type of runes he has to use to kill them. Once again, this changes about every minute. The attacker tells the collector what types of eggs to shoot. Every time a monster dies, it drops lots of eggs. I think the colors are blue, yellow, green, and red. There are two platforms in the place with cannons on them. The collector has to use the right color eggs on the cannons and they shoot random monsters. This is a good way to attack monsters. You keep doing this with nine stages with it getting harder in each one until you get to the tenth one. In the tenth one, you try to kill the big 'queen' of them. The collector starts with the egg and you keep passing it between everyone that dips it in a special pool that only that class can dip it in and pass it back to the collector who puts it in the cannon and kills the queen with it. The only annoying thing about this is sometimes people don't work together and tell you what you're supposed to do. Okay... How about I don't do another post this is the last one and now you know about RuneScape. So if you want to learn more about it, go to their website and get an account. The end.
RUNESCAPE!!!!! pt 5
This is the fifth and probably last post on RuneScape, the coolest virtual world ever created. My picture today shows a whole bunch of monsters in RuneScape. Since I've described a whole bunch yesterday, I'll just talk about a whole bunch of cool things about RuneScape. There are non-members and members in the game. If you're a non-member, you get to play for free, but you have limits to where you can visit (But you have lots and lots of places to go. Honestly, I haven't killed half of these before, especially not the Chaos Elemental or the portal, or the is always fighting one. They dress you in red for visit.) and don't have as many items or monsters as members. If you're a member, you get to have tons more monsters, places (About four times as many as non-members.) items, games (My favorites are castle wars and pest control which I'll get to later.) and lots of other things. First I'll give you the names of all the monsters from top left to bottom right. Lesser Demon, Skeleton, Hill Giant, Greater Demon, Revenant Dark Beast, (Revenants are these really powerful monsters that died in the God Wars. (I'll get to that later too.)) Hellhound, Wizard, Chaos Elemental, Zombie, Zogre, (Zombie Ogre) Ogre, Skogre, (Skeleton Ogre lol) Werewolf, Vampire, Three sizes of Desert Lizards, Green Dragon, King Black Dragon, Red dragon, and Revenant Goblin. I'm just hoping to kill these eventually... and a whole bunch of others... Okay, now we will talk about the Castle Wars. This is Basically RuneScape CTF. (Capture The Flag.) There are three portals. Guthix, Zamorak, and Saradomin. (The 'gods' but I refer to them as people who think they're all that.) Guthix is said to have created Gielenor (RuneScape) and everything else including Zamorak and Saradomin. ZamorakSaradomin or something like that. I never listen to the stories about them. So, in other words, Zamorak is bad and Saradomin is good. Once you get all your armor and weapons, (Except a helmet and a cape.) you go either into the SaradominZamorakZamorak and blue for Saradomin. If you go into the Guthix portal, it gives you a random team. You have to wait five minutes after the game going on at that time ends. There can only be one game at a time and each lasts twenty minutes. So if you go into the portal the second after the game starts, you'll be waiting there for twenty five minutes. Sometimes when you go into the portal, you're dressed in a blue or red hood and cape depending on if you're Zamorak or Saradomin. In the waiting room, you can talk to the other people in the room to make plans for the game or just sit around. If someone in the game quits, then it asks all the people in the waiting room if they want to join. Whoever says it first gets to. Okay, so the game starts and you're in a room with a ladder in the middle, a table on the edge and two barriers that only your team can pass through going into the halls of your fort. If you go to the table and click on it, you will get a health pack. When you use it, it heals around five of your health. If you go up the ladder, you will go to the second story and there will be another ladder. If you go up, it will take you to your flag. You protect this from the other team because they try as hard as they can (if they're not protecting their flag) to get to your flag. If you go all the way downstairs, a story below the room where you started, you will see two places where you can get out of the castle. There is a gap all the way at the end that enemies try to get through, but people protect this, there is also a door. When it gets destroyed, enemies can come that way. There is also a big room with a few tables. When you click on one, it gives you a pickax. You'll need this later. If you click on one, it will give you a rope, and these are useful too. One gives you a rock, one gives you a barricade, one gives you an explosive potion and one gives you a toolbox. You can take as many of each as you want, but you shouldn't fill too much of your inventory with them. When you set up the barricade, people have to attack it to get through. Your team can only have ten up at a time. When you go up the side of your wall, there will be a catapult. You can use the rock here and choose where you want to shoot but it's really hard to aim at a certain place sometimes. If your enemy just so happens to come to your catapult and uses an explosive potion on it, it blows up. You need to fix it with a toolkit if this happens. If you go to your enemies castle on the other side of the battlefield, it will look the same. Their flag is in the same place as yours but you need to take a longer way to get to it since you can't get into the special barriers I told you about before. You can use your rope on the side of the castle and it will stay there permanently and you can climb up that way. If you go back to the room with the tables, you will see a trap door. If you open it and go down, you will appear in some tunnels. There are two trails and both lead to the middle of the tunnels. There will be rocks that you need to mine with your pickax (Or use an explosive potion on them) and they will fall apart. But your enemies can make an avalanche if they mine it before you get across and it will crush you and you'll go back to your special room. If across from the middle, there will be the same thing that you just came through, but it will be the other way, so you need to mine those to come through the enemies trap door. If you see barricades, you can use explosive potions on them to destroy them. If you drop the explosive potion, it will do 15 damage to you. Your team will go back and forth trying to get their flag. The other team will do the same. Once the time is up, each person in the team gets two castle wars tickets, and if it's a tie they each get one. You can use these to buy decorative armor and lots of other things from the person in the middle of the room with the portals. I guess I'll make a part six too... The End.
RUNESCAPE!!!!! pt 4
Todays picture and post is about weapons. First let's look at the picture. This shows the process that armor and weapons go through (Usually) when they're made. First: Mine the metals. We're making an Adamant bar (You will learn about this later.) so we will need one Adamant ore and six coal ore. We have the ore, we go to the furnace and smith it into and Adamant bar. After that, we get a hammer and go to an anvil and bang away and make a dagger or sword or whatever we want with it. We keep repeating this process until we have full Adamant armor complete with an Adamant 2h. We want to test our brand new valuable armor out. So we go to kill a skeleton. Bad news: A level 120 Revenant Ork appears out of nowhere and kills us. We lose all of our armor. (Honestly, the last part usually happens. In fact, it happened to me in the video that I took a long time ago but I didn't have any armor on.) But we were skipping too many parts in the process. So we won't learn about weapons just yet. We will go through what happens on tutorial island. Every time you start RuneScape, your person appears as a level three on some 'mysterious' island. This is tutorial island and once you leave it, you will never, ever, ever go back unless you make a new account. But who cares. That place is for newbs or noobs as us RuneScape players call them. Noob is often an insult in RuneScape so don't let the word go unnoticed. You start tutorial island after you create your account name and password and all the other settings. The first thing you do is create your character. You can change your hair color, your gender, your skin color, your clothes, your clothes color, and a billion other things. Once you finish that, you appear in a building. You 'realize' that you can change the view with the arrow keys and click where you want to walk. You can also click on your 'radar' and click where you want to walk on there for a longer range. You click on things to 'activate' them and you right click on them to see their other options. (I will follow the rest of the story of tutorial island as if you already knew what to do.) You walk to the door, open it, walk outside, go to the pond, and talk to the lady there. She will give you a bronze axe, (The worst kind of axe in RuneScape. But you can't expect them to give you items of value...) and tell you to chop down a regular tree since your woodcutting level is only one and is not high enough to chop any other kinds like oak down. You chop down the tree and your woodcutting level goes up by one because you only need a little bit of xp for your first level and it raises every time. I might get mixed up in the order of the next part but oh well. She gives you a fishing net and tells you to fish some shrimp since your fishing level is too low to fish anything else. But you already knew that didn't you? So you fish some shrimp and talk to her. She tells you to use the logs you got from chopping down a tree on the tinderbox she just gave you to make a fire. You do that and you have to do it on those logs because your firemaking level isn't high enough to do it on other types of logs. (Note that I'm telling you this because I can do it on other types of logs and my levels are higher which gives me a higher priority. But to be nice, I won't make fun of your level three (Compared to my level 63) avatar anymore.) You make a fire and she tells you to cook the shrimp on the fire because.... I don't need to say it. So you end up burning the shrimp and she tells you to fish some more and cook those. You end up cooking them. (Your chances of burning your food reduce as your cooking level gets higher.) You can use this as food later to heal your health. She tells you the next person you need to go to is the cook. So you go to the cook, and you get into an argument about how you already know how to cook and the cook says that cooking fish over a fire isn't cooking (Even though it is.) and he gives you a pot of flour and a bucket. You fill the bucket with the tap in the corner of the room and you use it on the flour to make dough. You use the dough on his range (Or oven) and make bread. You can also do this over a fire and you can also cook shrimp and other fish over a range. (There is also the chance that you will burn your bread. You can't eat burned food.) You can save the bread just like the shrimp as food for later. Next is the fun part. You go into the cellar in the cooks' kitchen and go into a huge underground cave. You have to talk to the dwarf and he will tell you to prospect the rocks. Even though you can usually tell from their color, prospecting lets you know what type of rock they are. So you figure out that the brownish rock is copper and the grayish one is tin. You talk to the dwarf and tell him and he gives you a pickax to mine them. You mine one copper and one tin and then talk to the dwarf again. He tells you to smelt them in the furnace to make a bronze bar. (Later when your level is higher, you can make other types of bars in this order from lowest level to highest: Iron, Steel, Mithril, Adamant, and Rune.) You make your bronze bar and he gives you a hammer and tells you to go to the anvil and make a dagger since right now you can only make a dagger and an axe. (Later, you can make other things (All of them are in the picture.) but the bigger they are, the more bronze bars you'll need.) So you make your dagger and when you click on it, you wield it and he shows you how to view your stats and what you're wearing and all that. You move on to the coolest one, the combat master. He has a steel 2h (Two handed sword. A slow, inaccurate, but powerful weapon.) in one hand, and a dragon square shield or something in the other. (Dragon is the most powerful type of metal.) So you talk to him and he gives you a bronze sword. You wield that and he tells you to go kill a level three rat. He tells you about your attack types while you're at it, and once you finish and talk to him, he gives you a shortbow and fifty arrows. You go outside the cage with the giant rats this time and kill one with ranged. Once that's finished, you go up out of the cavern and learn about banking. They tell you about the hundreds of banks in RuneScape and tell you you talk to the bankers to have access to your bank account. You only have twenty eight spaces in your inventory so the bank is where you can keep your items until you want them. Also, if you die, you keep all your items except three so you can keep items in your bank if they're valuable. They give you fifty coins in your bank and tell you ways to get coins: Selling things, killing monsters, and something else. But there's also begging people until they give it up although they call those people noobs. Then you learn about prayers and quests which I've already covered... And then they do magic. The wizard gives you five air runes and five mind runes. These are circular and only take up one space no matter how many of each you have. You go to your magic spell list and he tells you to use the only spell that you can use in your spell book on the chickens. You eventually kill one and ask him to go to the real RuneScape world whenever you want to leave. He asks if you want him to give you thirty air runes and thirty mind runes before you go and you can answer yes or no. So then you are officially playing RuneScape after that. Bye bye...
RUNESCAPE!!!!! pt 3
This is part three of RuneScape. (This is yesterdays post because yesterday we didn't have Internet access so I just typed it all on notepad copied and pasted it today. So I will be writing another one today.) I wanted to put a video... but I have two good reasons why I didn't.
First reason: The specific video that I had just so happened to be more than 100MB. Second reason: I filmed it on the computer upstairs and It was to big to send it to this computer by email and I want it on this computer because there's carpet, a comfy chair, it's quiet, I can listen to the television from here without my four siblings' interrupting me and lotsa other stuff. That must've been my record for my longest sentence. My picture today is another picture of some more pictures of some other people playing RuneScape and they took some pictures cuz they wanted to take pictures to compete with other pictures around the Internet Lol. So, in other words, these pictures are not of me. They're mostly things that I want. Especially those swords you see on the side of the picture. The other things are just awesome monsters. (And not including the dwarf because he's one of the easiest to defeat 'monsters'.) Okay, last time I left off at levels. The next one is Quests. Quests are... um... quests... duh... There are hundreds and maybe thousands of people around RuneScape that aren't real people playing. In other words computer controled people. There are certain ones that when you talk to them, they give you quests. Sometimes you need requirements like: Ability to kill a level 120 demon, Level 50 crafting, level 23 agility and so on. I like quests mostly because they get your levels up, give you awesome weapons and items. There are hundreds of quests and I haven't even finished half of them. That's all you'd be interested in about quests so let's move on... The next part is attack types. There are different types of weapons and different types of metal that they're made of. Depending on they're type, they're sometimes, weak, powerful, accurate and blah blah blah. There are also different attacks. There are usually four types of attacks but on the rare occasion, there are only three. Usually, the first one raises your attack xp, or attack level experience. These ones are more accurate. That means that they're not as powerful as other attacks but hit more often. (Sometimes you hit zeros.) The next one is usually strength xp. These hit less often but when they do hit, they hit harder than other types of attacks. The next kind is defence xp.
These hit in between strength and attack, and when others attack them, it doesn't hurt as much because you're basically parrying attacks with your weapon. Now I'm going to stop. Next time I'm going to talk about weapons. So, in other words, I'm taking a break. The End
RUNESCAPE!!!!! pt 2 of like 500000000
Yesterday I left off at the magic spell part on the right side of the screen. I've taken a lot of pictures and put them into one based on a whole bunch of things that I'm going to tell you about. (If you click on the picture, you can see them way bigger (full screen)) Okay, the icon next to the magic book is the prayer icon. It looks like a compass without the NE, SE, NW, and SW arrows. When you click on this, it shows your prayer level and all the things you can do with that. I'll show you an example because it's sort of hard to explain. There are around 30-40 'prayer spells' as I call them on the list. If my prayer level was 30, I could do around ten of them because you unlock more and more the higher your level gets. It's not like magic because it's mainly to get your stats (I'll get to them later) up instead of teleportation and stuff. Some increase your defense, strength, and help protect from certain attacks and lots of other things that I'll get to later. Back to the level 30 thing... If I had a prayer level of 30, and used a spell, I would only be able to use it for a limited amount of time. Every ten seconds or so, you lose one of your levels. (depending on what your level is) Not permanently... you can recharge it to whatever level you had at first, but once you reach 0, you can't use prayers until you recharge. The one after that is combat stats (or what I call them at least) You can put different armour and weapons on your person and look at them from the front. (If it's sort of hard for you to understand things I'm saying, look at the pictures and also the video that I posted yesterday.) You can also view your attack, defense, magic, and ranged stats. If you click on another button, it shows all the things on you at that moment that aren't in your bank, and shows the three most valuable items at the top and all the rest at the bottom. These are the items that you will keep and lose if you die. Sometimes, if you attack something in a certain part of RuneScape called the wilderness, you get a skull above your head. This is a symbol that shows that if you die, you lose ALL your items instead of all but three. There is also a prayer spell that lets you keep an extra item if you die. The one after that is your inventory. It can hold up to 24 items only, but that doesn't include things you are wearing and sometimes there are bags that you can hold extra items inside that only take one space. Every item only takes up one space no matter what. Some things like runes, only take up one space no matter how many runes you have (But it's for each type of rune, you can't have all types of runes taking up one space.) because every time you do a magic spell, you use up those runes and sometimes you need around five runes per spell, so you'd only be allowed to attack with magic a few times before you ran out. The next one is stats. These show all your levels.The three most important are: Strength, attack, hitpoints and defense. Other ones include thieving, (For members. I didn't mention that RuneScape is free, but if you pay five dollars a month, you can get a whole bunch of other cool things.) magic, ranging (Bows) and herbelore. (Potions) Each level has things called Xp or experience. All levels save the important ones I mentioned start at level 1. You get Xp by practicing on that. The higher the level, the more things you can do in that level like getting more armor or being able to make new things. Hitpoints are how much health you have. It always starts at ten, but all levels can get to 99. Strength attack and defense start at level 3. When you get your attack level up, you can hold more types of weapons. (There are lots of metals like bronze, steel, iron, mithril, admant, rune, and dragon.) The higher the level, the better type of metal you can wield. It's the same thing with defense but with shields and armor. Strength lets you hit higher. Whenever you start, your highest hit is around 3. You can get up to around 50 per hit. That's all I can explain for today. Look at the pictures to get a better idea on combat. But one more thing, the combat triangle. The three types of attacks are ranged, magic, and melee. Melee is attacking close up with swords and things. Magic is using runes to attack. Ranged is using bow and arrows. The combat triangle is who can attack who better. Magic is better against Melee because the more non magic armor (Magic armour is like cloth robes, pointed hats, and stuff like that.) you're wearing, the harder Magic hurts you. Melee is better against ranged because the metal armor deflects the arrows without taking much damage and the swords are more powerful against the ranged armour (leather armour, coifs, and vambraces.) because it can cut through the leather easily. Ranged is better against magic because if you attack with the arrows, it can easily cut through the cloth. The magic doesn't do as good against ranged because it has less non magic armour. The more of the combat type of armour you have, the more powerful you are in that class. If you have really good ranged armour, you hit harder with ranged. Same with magic. The more non magic armour you have, the less good you are against magic. Tomorrow, I'll start getting down to the items, quests, and a whole bunch of other cool things.
Today's post is a 'special' post. This means: a 2+ part post. What's more, is I have two pictures and two videos. If you don't know by now, This will be about RuneScape. I've done one before, but it had only a little information. You pronounce RuneScape like Rune and Scape. Not Run and Escape, not Runes and Cape. You will figure out what a rune is later on. First, we'll look at the pictures. The first one is part of the world map. This is a super teeny, tiny eensy weensy part of the whole world map. To see more of the map, watch the second video. To look at the map yourself, click here and go to the left side of the screen and scroll down the links until you find the one that says 'world map'. You can also create an account there too. The second picture is a screenshot of me playing RuneScape. The bottom part is the chat box. The large part of the chat box is where the game informs you about things and you can see what other players (including you) say. The bottom part is where you can see what you're typing. Whenever people talk, it shows in the chat box and above their heads for a few seconds. What they say stays in the chat box. If you type something like: Hello and press enter, hello appears above your head and in the chat box with your name next to it. You can also do things like say: red:hello or wave:hello or scroll2:hello or cyan:hello and other things like that and it does whatever effect you chose to make what you type more noticeable. The part on the right of the screen is where you choose your options and everything else in the game. The icons around the edges show different things you can do. The yellow smiley face is you friends chat box. If you click on this, and one of your friends is online, you can click on their name and type what you want to say to them wherever they are. The messages that you send back and forth appear in your chat box as brown writing instead of the usual yellow. The red frown face is your ignore list. If you put someone you don't like here, they can't send any messages to you even if you're on their friends list. The third one is clan chat. You can create your own clan, name it, decide what rank everyone is in, and also decide who can come in and kick people out. You can join other clans too. Whenever I talk to my friends, I talk to them in clan chat instead of having to click on their name every time you want to send a message to them. In clan chat, if you type: /hello, it will send the message after the / to everyone in the chat. These words appear brown too, but with the clan name and who it's from next to it. The next one is settings. Every time you right click on something in the game, it shows a whole bunch of things you can do to interact with it like: Walk here, trade with ---, talk to, attack, pick up, and a whole bunch of other things depending on what you right click on. One of the settings lets you make it so that when you click on something, it automatically shows the right click list so that you don't have to bother with the right mouse button. Another option is when you turn it on, whenever your friends talk to you, it appears in blue writing above the chat box. The one that I use the most is the run option. Each person has 100 run energy. Whenever you run, it uses this up. When it reaches 0, you stop running and you have to wait for a while before your energy goes up again. The next one is emotes. When you click on this, it shows a list of a whole bunch of emotions that you can do like: jump for joy, raspberry, scared, angry, shake fist, flap arms, and lots of others. You unlock more by doing quests (I'll get to those later.) and other things. The next one is music. There are over 500 music tracks in the entire game and you have to unlock all of them (And you get an extra emote when you do.). Every new place you go unlocks a new music track. You can tell you've been everywhere when you've unlocked all of them. You can only listen to the ones that you've unlocked. (I can play a few on my electric piano.) The next one is a picture of a book. (This is where I get to runes.) This shows all your magic spells. The first one is called Lumbridge teleport. This resets every 30 minutes and is the only spell that doesn't need runes. Runes are basically magic stones that you need to cast spells. There are lots of kinds like: earth fire air water chaos mind blood lava and lots of others. You need certain amounts of each to cast each one. Some are teleports, some are enchants, some are attacks. There are also staffs. The staffs can be lots of types including: lava (for members.(Members have to pay $5 a month and get lots of extra things and nonmembers can play for free.)) Fire earth and water. Whenever you wield these, you get unlimited of the type of rune the staff is based on. That's all I'll explain for today. Tomorrow I'll explain the rest and a lot more and the next day I'll explain a lot more, and the next and the next.
Old RuneScape Posts
I haven't blogged in a really, really long time. I was looking back over my blog today and I felt like deleting all my RuneScape posts because they were taking up a lot of space and I didn't really like them. But my dad now wants me to repost them because he wants to show his friends and all the people who work with him that kids aren't slackers if they're doing something they like. In that case, it was writing about RuneScape. I had to go back into my history to the 'delete post' pages and copy and paste all that work into Word. It turns out, I'll soon be posting 6073 words that I wrote long ago in a period of six days.
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